About Alpha Phi Sigma (APS)

Alpha Phi Sigma is the only National Criminal Justice Honor Society for Criminal Justice majors. The society recognizes academic excellence of undergraduate, graduate, and juris doctorate students in criminal justice. Boise State’s Alpha Kappa Chapter, chartered in 1983, is one of the most active chapters of the 400+ in the nation. Click here to find more information about the National Criminal Justice Honor Society.
Community Service
APS members are dedicated to making a difference in our community through service! From volunteering at local shelters to organizing fundraising events for important causes, we strive to create positive change on campus, in the community, and beyond. Join us as we unite to make a meaningful impact in serving our community.
As members of an honors society, we encourage members to be leaders in various ways and provide opportunities to engage in leadership roles. Whether you want to run for an officer position, lead a committee, or spearhead a volunteer event, there are various opportunities for you to lead by example.
Academic Enrichment
Qualifying members have the opportunity to attend and participate in the annual Alpha Phi Sigma National Conference. Members compete for scholarships and awards.
Social Activities
Members enjoy various social activities each year, depending on student’s interests. Officers have previously organized pizza parties, bowling, and an awards banquet.