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Graduate Certificate

The graduate certificate in Conflict Management focuses on preparing students to be confident, capable, and resilient leaders through the challenges in their professional and personal lives. Engaging students in innovative, experiential, and supported learning environments that are founded on self-discovery, our common humanity, and critical inquiry into civil discourse and collaborative engagement across diverse groups and perspectives are unique tenets of this program.

Understand the nature of conflict and its impact on relationships, teams, organizations, and communities while applying effective communication, negotiation, mediation, and facilitation strategies. Use interdisciplinary approaches to analyze and resolve workplace challenges, emphasizing empathy, diversity, cultural awareness, and self-management in high-conflict situations.

Admission Process

You must hold a bachelor’s degree or a graduate degree from an accredited college or university, and be admitted to Boise State’s Graduate College. Next, write a personal statement explaining your career goals and reasons for pursuing the Conflict Management certificate. Once submitted, applications will be forwarded to the program director for review.

All applicants will receive two notifications of admission: one from the Graduate College Admissions Office and a second from the Conflict Management Certificate Program.

If you want to apply a tuition waiver for this program, please reach out to Ashley Nichols, before registering for classes.

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Contact us

Interested or have questions about the Conflict Management program? Email or reach out to the program director at

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