Melissa Jenkins
Investment Advisor, R|W Investment Management -
Devin Geddings
Your Next Right Step Toward Your Financial Destination
Dealing with finances can be overwhelming. Whether we are tackling debt, saving for a current goal, trying to reach retirement, or anywhere in between, we can gather a laundry list of items to accomplish. In this Skill Builder, we will journey together through many financial decisions. With any journey, we must have a current location and a destination, and then we must determine our path to get from A to B. The first step from A to B is your next right step. Join us on this journey to determine your next right step wherever you are.
Investment Advisor, R|W Investment ManagementDealing with finances can be overwhelming. Whether we are tackling debt, saving for a current goal, trying to reach retirement, or anywhere in between, we can gather a laundry list of items to accomplish. In this Skill Builder, we will journey together through many financial decisions. With any journey, we must have a current location and a destination, and then we must determine our path to get from A to B. The first step from A to B is your next right step. Join us on this journey to determine your next right step wherever you are.
Nancy Buffington
How to Thrive on Zoom
Welcome to our new virtual reality! While we’re all safe at home, we’re lucky to have platforms like Zoom and Google Hangouts to keep us connected with our teams. But the transition to virtual meetings is hard for most of us: Zoom calls tire us out. We may feel uncomfortable, that we don’t express ourselves clearly, or that we don’t get heard. This can affect our emotions, our engagement and our work performance. But we can turn this challenge into an opportunity: it’s a chance to figure out how individuals, teams, and projects can thrive online. In this hands-on session, we’ll explore ways you can adjust your mindset, your environment and your online presence so you can shine in your virtual workspace.
Welcome to our new virtual reality! While we’re all safe at home, we’re lucky to have platforms like Zoom and Google Hangouts to keep us connected with our teams. But the transition to virtual meetings is hard for most of us: Zoom calls tire us out. We may feel uncomfortable, that we don’t express ourselves clearly, or that we don’t get heard. This can affect our emotions, our engagement and our work performance. But we can turn this challenge into an opportunity: it’s a chance to figure out how individuals, teams, and projects can thrive online. In this hands-on session, we’ll explore ways you can adjust your mindset, your environment and your online presence so you can shine in your virtual workspace.
Rhea Allen
Building your Personal Brand and Your Bottomline!
You will not only gain a deep understanding of personal branding, you will learn how to create one and, more importantly, what it means to maintain and inhabit that personal brand. And how to make certain your personal brand is in alignment with the organization’s culture that you work or want to work for or the company you want to create or have created. Attendees will get:
- Experience personal branding and what it means to BE their brand
- Take steps to help unlock or uncover their passions, potentials, and powers as a unique person
- Tips in creating themselves on at least three social media platforms and express their brands with tools, tips, and tactics to explore
- Steps to create a brand essence statement for their personal brand to emulate often, a mantra, core values, and strengths
- Be exposed or learn more about the various personality or character traits and skills strengths assessments to further unpack the traits and capabilities they inherently have
- Learn about building “brand ambassadors” or “loyal fans” for their personal brand
- Navigate their digital security and online (and offline) reputation management
- Gain insights, information, and inspiration on how to maintain their brand using the latest trends and techniques to be their own “brand managers.”
Join culture and branding expert, a marketing industry leader, keynote speaker, and Adjunct Professor at Boise State, Rhea Allen as she provides this class based on her nearly 20 years of experience as a President and CEO of an award-winning creative and digital marketing/ad agency that’s performed professional marketing and creative services all over the world. She will provide an authentic and supportive atmosphere in which learners are encouraged to deeply reveal themselves in order to manifest a truly meaningful personal brand that effectively communicates their core values, principles, and professional superpowers. She is the host of the Marketing Expedition Podcast and not only the Co-founder of Peppershock Media, but also the founder of the Marketing Expedition Community, an online subscription-based platform where members gain invaluable insights, the latest trends in marketing, forum support, ideas and inspiration for building brands and bottom lines for both personal and company brands. She has a distinct style in which she provides encouragement, coaching, and feedback.
You will not only gain a deep understanding of personal branding, you will learn how to create one and, more importantly, what it means to maintain and inhabit that personal brand. And how to make certain your personal brand is in alignment with the organization’s culture that you work or want to work for or the company you want to create or have created. Attendees will get:
- Experience personal branding and what it means to BE their brand
- Take steps to help unlock or uncover their passions, potentials, and powers as a unique person
- Tips in creating themselves on at least three social media platforms and express their brands with tools, tips, and tactics to explore
- Steps to create a brand essence statement for their personal brand to emulate often, a mantra, core values, and strengths
- Be exposed or learn more about the various personality or character traits and skills strengths assessments to further unpack the traits and capabilities they inherently have
- Learn about building “brand ambassadors” or “loyal fans” for their personal brand
- Navigate their digital security and online (and offline) reputation management
- Gain insights, information, and inspiration on how to maintain their brand using the latest trends and techniques to be their own “brand managers.”
Join culture and branding expert, a marketing industry leader, keynote speaker, and Adjunct Professor at Boise State, Rhea Allen as she provides this class based on her nearly 20 years of experience as a President and CEO of an award-winning creative and digital marketing/ad agency that’s performed professional marketing and creative services all over the world. She will provide an authentic and supportive atmosphere in which learners are encouraged to deeply reveal themselves in order to manifest a truly meaningful personal brand that effectively communicates their core values, principles, and professional superpowers. She is the host of the Marketing Expedition Podcast and not only the Co-founder of Peppershock Media, but also the founder of the Marketing Expedition Community, an online subscription-based platform where members gain invaluable insights, the latest trends in marketing, forum support, ideas and inspiration for building brands and bottom lines for both personal and company brands. She has a distinct style in which she provides encouragement, coaching, and feedback.
Edward Vasko
Cybersecurity Threats Affecting You and Your Clients
Cybersecurity breaches make nearly daily news coverage and provide an awareness of just how pervasive the impact is to businesses of all sizes and across all industries. The average 2019 data breach cleanup costs for a small business experiencing a breach exceeded $2.2 million. Easy avenues of stealing data, and money, from businesses has fueled significant growth of organized cyber criminal groups. Cybercrime statistics between 2017 to 2019 show a 40% increase in daily malware releases alone. Cyber criminals are organized, well prepared, and motivated to not only steal data and hold it for ransom, but also to simultaneously empty bank accounts if they can. What can you do to protect yourself, your crucial assets, and your clients? This presentation outlines not only the top trends / methods cyber criminals leverage to find access to data and bank accounts, but also offers pragmatic approaches business leaders can take to instill / improve, your cyber-hygiene posture. These simple, cost-efficient approaches and recommendations can enable your business to more effectively protect your data, your money, and the other critical assets of your business against cyber risks.
Cybersecurity breaches make nearly daily news coverage and provide an awareness of just how pervasive the impact is to businesses of all sizes and across all industries. The average 2019 data breach cleanup costs for a small business experiencing a breach exceeded $2.2 million. Easy avenues of stealing data, and money, from businesses has fueled significant growth of organized cyber criminal groups. Cybercrime statistics between 2017 to 2019 show a 40% increase in daily malware releases alone. Cyber criminals are organized, well prepared, and motivated to not only steal data and hold it for ransom, but also to simultaneously empty bank accounts if they can. What can you do to protect yourself, your crucial assets, and your clients? This presentation outlines not only the top trends / methods cyber criminals leverage to find access to data and bank accounts, but also offers pragmatic approaches business leaders can take to instill / improve, your cyber-hygiene posture. These simple, cost-efficient approaches and recommendations can enable your business to more effectively protect your data, your money, and the other critical assets of your business against cyber risks.