John Evans was indeed a “good friend” to many. Below are remembrances from both Governor Andrus and Marc Johnson, Andrus Center President.

“Carol and I are deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Gov. John Evans. John was a good friend, a loyal and talented lieutenant governor to me, a fine and dedicated public official at both the local and the state level and, above all, a genuinely fine man. He’ll be remembered as a strong and capable governor who fought hard to maintain a strong economy and first class educational opportunities for Idahoans. We join all Idahoans in extending our deep condolences to our dear friend, Lola Evans the Evans family and his many, many friends in Idaho and across the nation. “
-Governor Cecil D. Andrus

As Idaho’s political history is written it should be kind, and I expect it will be, to John Victor Evans. Evans, who died on Tuesday at 89, ranks third in the state’s history for length of service in the governor’s office and his accomplishments, not always fully appreciated during his tenure or now, were substantial….read the full article at
-Marc Johnson