Idaho and the Idaho Caregiver Alliance is engaged in efforts to achieve the five overarching goals identified in the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers. This work, guided by the Administration for Community Living, is in response to the Recognize, Assist, Include, Support and Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act.

Goal 1: Increase awareness of and outreach
Goal 2: Advance partnership and engagement
Goal 3: Strengthen services and supports
Goal 4: Ensure financial and workplace security
Goal 5: Expand data, research, and evidence-based practices
Idaho Awarded Two Year Technical Assistance from The Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network — Generations United

Idaho has been awarded a unique opportunity to envision and create a statewide approach to supporting grandparents and other kin and the children they raise. The Grandfamilies & Kinship Support Network – the nation’s first and only federally funded technical assistance center on these families (also known as kinship/grandfamilies) – will provide in-depth assistance for two years to help Idaho’s government agencies and nonprofit organizations work together to break down silos and holistically support these diverse families. Jen Haddad, Program Manager for the Service Integration Bureau at the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare and her team will lead this initiative in partnership with the Idaho Department of Corrections, and the Idaho Caregiver Alliance.
ICA Received Community Catalyst Award Funded by the Administration on Community Living

The Idaho Caregiver Alliance (ICA) has received funding to “Amplify the Power of Family Caregiver Voices” from Community Catalyst. Resources will be used to support the work of the ICA Hispanic Advisory Committee, strengthen advocacy skills, and record the stories of caregivers from the Spanish speaking community in SW Idaho. This 18-month initiative will be led by Adrian-Miguel Rodriguez with support from the ICA leadership team.
Voices from ICA and Idaho involved in USAging Innovations in Family Caregiver Services and Supports Initiative

The ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center has enlisted Sarah Toevs, the founder and director of ICA, to facilitate a National Respite Care Work Group supported by USAging. The focus is to leverage and build on existing resources to advance the availability of flexible and accessible respite care. Lynn Fyanes, Idaho Commission on Aging, and Mike Hirshi, Director Area V AAA, are also active in USAging efforts to Advance the Aging Network Capacity to Recognize and Support Family, Kinship and Tribal Caregivers. USAging represents and supports the national network of Area Agencies on Aging and advocates for the Title VI Native American Aging Programs.