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SPPH Faculty Q&A: Clinical Associate Professor Travis Armstrong

Travis Armstrong, Clinical Associate Professor.

Meet new SPPH Clinical Associate Professor, Travis Armstrong, MPA, RT (R):

What encouraged you to teach and work in the public health space?

I very much believe in public health as a discipline with its proactive approach to community and population health. I’ve spent many years of my career working in hospitals and clinics as a medical imaging professional. I have served thousands of patients in these settings and through this experience strongly believe the best approach to health is one where we can proactively promote and support healthy lifestyles (exercise, nutrition, tobacco cessation, vaccinations and immunizations, health screenings, etc.) through education and programming to minimize disease and chronic illness that lead to negative health outcomes, medical interventions, and hospitalizations.

While we will always critically need hospitals and healthcare professionals to diagnose and treat patients, the aim should always be to keep people out in the community enjoying their lives as much as possible. I strive and hope to play a positive role in this proactive approach to supporting the health and wellbeing of people in our community.  


What originally brought you to Boise State University? 

I first came to Boise State in the late 1990s as a student-athlete. I was born and raised in Washington state and was very fortunate to receive a scholarship to run on the track and cross country teams. I made many positive relationships with professors, coaches and teammates and fell in love with the welcoming community of Boise and all of the outdoor opportunities that the vast tracts of public lands and wild rivers that Idaho has to offer. After living and working in a number of western states, I was drawn to move back to Boise and now find myself very rooted with family, friends and home. I am invested in this community and the university and feel very fortunate to be a part of such a positive institution. 


What course or topic are you most passionate about teaching?

Clinical Associate Professor Travis Armstrong rides his bike and gives a 'thumbs up' to the camera.
Photo by Brian Kohagen.

I am most excited to teach courses that open up new worlds to students. This could be courses such as HLTH 100: Intro to Health Professions with its focus on learning about the wide variety of careers available for students within the field of healthcare/public health or HLTH 101: Medical Terminology where students learn how to decode the sometimes intimidating language utilized by healthcare professionals. Beyond these courses, I am very excited to teach any courses that focus on the topic of wellness, as this is an area that I am very interested in and passionate about.  


What project are you excited to embark on in the next school year?

I have had the good fortune to participate in the Living and Learning communities (LLCs) on campus which are dedicated to providing positive, educational, community building experiences for first year students living on campus. Last year I was the Faculty out of Residence for the Health Professions LLC. Working in partnership with Dr. Mary Crowell, we provided a range of guest speakers and experiential learning experiences to aid students in exploring the wide variety of career opportunities within healthcare.

This year, I am very excited to serve as the Faculty in Residence for the BroncoFit LLC. The curriculum and activities will be focused on the eight dimensions of wellness which are social, financial, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, intellectual and physical wellness.  Activities will range from exploring the outdoors to completing financial budgeting activities to learning mindfulness techniques — all with a focus on connecting students to on-campus programs and resources.  


What do you enjoy doing for fun?

In my free time, I can often be found outdoors exploring public lands. My passions include running and mountain biking on the trails, as well as skiing the slopes, paddling the rivers and motorcycle touring in the Idaho backcountry. I very much enjoy sharing these experiences with friends and family. Beyond this major passion, I am a perpetually novice guitar player, coffee shop explorer, traveler and I love a good book or documentary film.   Â