PhD Curriculum Overview
Course Title | Credits |
MPH 504: Applied Epidemiology | 2 |
MPH 506: Applied Statistics in Public Health | 2 |
MPH 540: Epidemiology and Biostatistics II | 3 |
MPH 542: Epidemiology and Biostatistics III or PPHL 612: Advanced Qualitative Research Methods | 3 |
PPHL 610: Research Methods I | 3 |
PPHL 611: Research Methods II | 3 |
PPHL 630: Determinants of Health I: Theoretical Background | 3 |
PPHL 631: Determinants of Health II: Application | 3 |
PPHL 620: Advanced Systems Analysis and Problem Solving | 3 |
PPHL 635: Health Policy Analysis | 3 |
PPHL 621: Organizational Leadership in Public Health | 3 |
PPHL 640: Evaluating Program, Policy and Organizational Performance | 3 |
PPHL 670: Scientific Writing and Proposal Development | 3 |
Cognate Courses | 9 |
PPHL 689: Doctoral Comprehensive Examination | 1 |
PPHL 689: Dissertation Proposal | 2 |
PPHL 693: Doctoral Dissertation | 18 |
Total Credit Hours | 67 |
Plans of Study
The Public and Population Health Leadership PhD program includes cohort-based course work taken early in the program, followed by individual dissertation research. Plans of Study that lay out course schedules for both full- and part-time students are shown below.
Plan of Study for Full-Time Students
Year 1 Fall
MPH 504: Applied Epidemiology (1st 7 weeks) (2 Credits)
MPH 506: Applied Statistics in Public Health (2nd 7 weeks) (2 Credits)
PPHL 610: Research Methods I (3 Credits)
PPHL 630: Determinants of Health I: Theoretical Background (3 Credits)
PPHL 620: Advanced System Analysis and Problem-Solving (3 Credits)
Year 1 Spring
MPH 540: Epidemiology and Statistics II (3 Credits)
PPHL 611: Research Methods II (3 Credits)
PPHL 631: Determinants of Health II: Application (3 Credits)
PPHL 621: Organizational Leadership in Public Health (3 Credits)
Year 2 Fall
MPH 542: Epidemiology and Statistics III or PPHL 612: Advanced Qualitative Research Methods (3 Credits)
PPHL 640: Evaluating Program, Policy and Organizational Performance (3 Credits)
Cognate Course (3 Credits)
PPHL 670: Scientific Writing and Proposal Development (3 Credits)
PPHL 691: Comprehensive Examination (1 Credit)
Year 2 Spring
PPHL 635: Health Policy Analysis (3 Credits)
Cognate Course (3 Credits)
Cognate Course (3 Credits)
PPHL 689: Dissertation Proposal/Defense (1 Credit)
Year 3 Fall
PPHL 693: Dissertation Research (9 Credits)
Year 3 Spring
PPHL 693: Dissertation Research (9 Credits)
Total Credit Hours: 67
Plan of Study for Part-Time Students
Year 1 Fall
MPH 504: Applied Epidemiology (1st 7 weeks) (2 Credits)
MPH 506: Applied Statistics in Public Health (2nd 7 weeks) (2 Credits)
PPHL 630: Determinants of Health I: Theoretical Background (3 Credits)
Year 1 Spring
MPH 540: Epidemiology and Statistics II (3 Credits)
PPHL 631: Determinants of Health II: Application (3 Credits)
Year 2 Fall
PPHL 610: Research Methods I (3 Credits)
PPHL 620: Advanced System Analysis and Problem-Solving (3 Credits)
Year 2 Spring
PPHL 611: Research Methods II (3 Credits)
PPHL 621: Organizational Leadership in Public Health (3 Credits)
Year 3 Fall
PPHL 640: Evaluating Program, Policy and Organizational Performance (3 Credits)
MPH 542: Epidemiology and Statistics III or PPHL 612: Advanced Qualitative Research Methods (3 Credits)
Year 3 Spring
PPHL 635: Health Policy Analysis (3 Credits)
Cognate Course (3 Credits)
PPHL 691: Comprehensive Examination (1 Credit)
Year 4 Fall
PPHL 670: Scientific Writing and Proposal Development (3 Credits)
Cognate Course (3 Credits)
Year 4 Spring
PPHL 689: Dissertation Proposal/Defense (1st 7 Weeks) (2 Credits)
PPHL 693: Dissertation Research (2nd 7 weeks) (2 Credits)
Cognate Course (3 Credits)
Year 5 Fall
PPHL 693: Dissertation Research (8 Credits)
Year 5 Spring
PPHL 693: Dissertation Research (8 Credits)
Total Credit Hours: 67
Duration of Graduate Study
For full-time students, most students will complete the degree in three years and for part-time students, most will complete it in five years.
Per Boise State University Policy, all requirements for a PhD degree (including transfer courses) must be started and completed within a period of no more than ten (10) years. This period includes summers and any semesters in which the doctoral student is not enrolled. It must encompass all courses and requirements applied to the degree, including transfer courses.