Master of Public Health Student Adrian Rodriguez attended the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) Annual Meeting on December 9th in Washington D.C. Rodriguez and other Three Minute Thesis (3MT) regional finalists showcased their research and participated in a discussion panel.
Rodriguez presented his research: “Engaging Hispanic Communities in Public Health Programming,” and offered encouragement and advice to future 3MT competitors during the panel discussion.
A health education specialist and bilingual family caregiver navigator with the Family Caregiver Navigator (FCN) and the Center for the Study of Aging, Rodriguez aims to identify how public health programs have successfully implemented public health interventions within Hispanic populations.
The annual meeting hosted 12 3MT finalists from six regional associations of graduate education in Canada, Mexico and the United States. A People’s Choice Award was awarded to the audience’s favorite presentation.
To be invited to the CGS Showcase, 3MT finalists needed to place in their local university, state, and regional 3MT competitions. Rodriguez took first place at both the Boise State and Idaho 3MT competitions and placed second at the regional competition.
“It was my first time in D.C. so I was able to stay a few extra days, viewing our nation’s historical monuments and museums,” Rodriguez said. “It was an experience that I was fortunate to have shared with my family who came to support me at CGS’s 3MT Nationals.”