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Fall 2024 Event

Meet and Greet: Connect to Your Career

  • Thursday, November 7
  • 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Refreshments provided

Students have the opportunity to connect with community organizations while learning about internships, jobs, and volunteer opportunities. This event is open to all Boise State University students.

How to Prepare

We encourage you to dress in business casual, bring copies of your resume and prepare a 30-second pitch to introduce yourself (also called your “elevator pitch”). For more info, please contact


Answers to common questions

Agencies and Opportunities

Check Back Soon to Learn About the Fall 2024 Organizations

Introduce yourself in 30 seconds

A guide to crafting your pitch.

Resume Tips from Career Services

Prep your resume!

Benefits of Participating

  • Practice networking and relationship building skills.
  • Career-ready students can discover potential job opportunities.
  • Meet professionals from a variety of local organizations.
  • Explore volunteer and internship opportunities.
  • Potential extra credit opportunity for some classes (ask your course instructors).