Clinical Assistant Professor

Joanna McCormack is a clinical assistant professor in the School of Public and Population Health. Joanna earned a Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management and her Master’s in Health Science
with a Health Policy emphasis and Certificate in Health Services Leadership from Boise State University.
Before teaching, she worked in large population-based registry research in Europe (EURO-PERISTAT II &
Finland’s Drug and Pregnancy Group), running analyses of data from various sources (25 countries & 5 registries within the same country). Most recently, she worked in small local medical practices, where she provided health policy consultation and auditing. McCormack teaches epidemiology, data analytics and an introduction to health informatics.
BS: Biology (University of Memphis)
MS: Clinical Microbiology (University of Helsinki, Finland)
BS: Health Informatics and Health Information Management (Boise State University)
MHS: Health Policy (Boise State University)
Contact Information
Phone: (208) 426-2189