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Find an Internship

Completing an internship can be a valuable experience for any student. Not only can an internship give you experience and a chance to apply your academic knowledge to a professional setting, it also can be helpful in your exploration of different professions and industries.  See below for strategies to help you identify internship opportunities that will be the best fit for you. 

Self Reflection

  • What classes have you taken that you have enjoyed the most? Why?
  • What areas of health studies and/or public health do you want to learn more about or more experience in? 
  • What do you need from your internship to be successful? 
    • Does it need to be in-person, remote, or hybrid?
    • Does it need to be flexible with your work or academic schedule?
  • How many credits do you need? (If applicable)
  • What semester are you hoping to do an internship?
  • How many hours a week can you commit to an internship?
  • Aside from earning academic credit or gaining experience, why do you want to do an internship?

Strategies to Find Internships