Contact Information

Phone: 426-3243
Vita: Arthur Scarritt Vita click here
Office Location: River Front Hall 214-B
Office Hours: Â Thursday 12:00 – 2:00pm By Appointment
Professor, Chair of Sociology, and IMSRL Director
Arthur Scarritt earned his PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and his BA from the Evergreen State College. His research explores the intersections of racism, indigenous populations in Latin America, and globalization. He is particularly interested in how the organization of society perpetuates racial inequalities, and strategies for overcoming these unequal relations. Happy to make Boise his new home, Dr. Scarritt hopes to direct his inquiries to the social relations surrounding Idaho’s Latino populations, and to work collaboratively to make broad geographical comparisons. Teaching a variety of introductory and advanced courses, Dr. Scarritt enjoys guiding students to the amazing vistas provided by the sociological imagination. Scarritt also hopes to be found hiking, skiing, canoeing, rock climbing, and mountain biking.
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Sociology – Honors 101
- Social Problems 102
- Introduction to Multi-Ethnic Studies 230
- Racial and Cultural Minorities 305