Rebecca Som Castellano, professor in the School of Environment and Department of Sociology, was recently appointed to serve as the interim director of the Human-Environment Systems group, known as HES on campus.

“I am honored to have been selected to act as Interim Director for HES and look forward to the coming year and continued evolution of the School of the Environment,” Som Castellano said.
The Human-Environment Systems group officially became part of the School of the Environment within the College of Arts and Sciences this fall. Learn more about the move in the article “Human-Environment Systems group establishes its new home in the School of the Environment.”
“I couldn’t be happier and appreciative of Dr. Som Castellano taking on this role. The HES group is an important part of the SOE,” Kevin Feris, director of the School of the Environment said. “We are lucky to have Dr. Som Castellano’s leadership in helping facilitate the move of HES to the SOE and the College of Arts and Sciences. I’ve very much enjoyed working with Rebecca in this capacity and I’m looking forward to a productive and fruitful year.”
Learn more about Som Castellano’s role and work on the HES website.