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Dr. Arthur Scarritt and Dr. Ginna Husting Present a paper 113th annual American Sociological Association

Dr. Arthur Scarritt and Dr. Ginna Husting presented a paper at the 113th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association.

Dr. Arthur Scarritt, Sociologist
Dr Ginna Husting Sociologist

Dr. Arthur Scarritt presented a paper co-authored with Dr. Ginna Husting at the 113th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, a conference attended by over 5,000 people in Philadelphia on Aug. 10-15. The paper, titled “Polite racism and diversity: how white civility creates racial contempt and nonbeing,” was part of a select thematic panel, “Empowering and Mobilizing Racial Contempt,” on the conference’s overall topic of ‘Feeling Race.’ The panel also featured renowned philosophers Lewis Gordon and Michael Monahan.

Professor Michael Blain and Angeline Kearns Blain organized and chaired a session on “Biopoliics, Victimage Ritual, and the War on Terror” at the XXI World Congress of Sociology organized by International Sociological Association in Toronto, Canada, July 15-21. In addition, Blain presented a paper on “Progressive Violence: Theorizing The War on Terror” to a session organized by ISA RC 18 Political Sociology.