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Using Sociology on the Job

How Sociology Prepares You for Career Success

Discover how Boise State alumni’s sociology degrees have helped them excel in their professional lives.

Enhanced Understanding of Human Experience:

  • “I can better connect with my clients and understand their perspectives.”
  • “My sociology degree has given me a deeper understanding of human behavior and communication.”
  • “It has allowed me to connect better with the people I work with. And I have a greater understanding of what role I play in society and I have a plan for how I want to impact my community.”

Stronger Communication and Collaboration:

  • “I’ve developed effective communication skills with clients and customers.”
  • “I’m able to work professionally with people from different backgrounds.”
  • “My education has greatly impacted my ability to interact and develop productive communication with individuals across the globe.”

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving:

  • “I can look at issues from a broader standpoint.”
  • “I’m able to think critically and see things through different lenses.”
  • “Being able to see the impact of a decision from multiple perspectives is probably the most useful idea from my undergraduate degree.”

Data Analysis and Research Skills:

  • “Researching skills have been invaluable in my career.”
  • “Data collection and research methods have helped me excel in social services.”
  • “The research aspect of my degree has proven invaluable as I have been required to find answers to technical and theoretical problems or questions.”

Social Awareness and Cultural Competence:

  • “I have a greater understanding of the social dimensions of history and science.”
  • “I can anticipate Member needs based on Cultural norms of their socioeconomic standing.”
  • “Cross cultural communication awareness and understanding systems of hierarchy around the globe impact my daily work.”

Policy Analysis and Advocacy:

  • “I understand how policy can/does impact folks in dramatically different ways.”
  • “I’m able to quickly and accurately analyze program issues.”
  • “How institutions & groups can provide the best conditions by which a person can succeed.”

Additional Benefits

  • Understanding generational norms, behaviors, etc.
  • Appreciating how one’s own social location influences their point of view.
  • Building the connections between clients and their communities.
  • Navigating corporate structures and understanding organizational dynamics.

By studying sociology, graduates have gained valuable skills that have prepared them for success in a wide range of careers. From social work and education to business and government, a sociology degree can equip students with the tools they need to thrive in today’s complex world.