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Labor Studies

A person working hard cutting wood in a workshop

What is Labor Studies Minor?

The Labor Studies Minor is an interdisciplinary program that focuses upon work as a practice that shapes and is shaped by other social institutions.

Why Labor Studies?

Labor is an economic phenomenon, and labor organizations play a role in the political process and in the management of many workplaces. Paid and unpaid labor is a key feature of family life, and segregated labor markets are central to systems of ethnic and gender inequality. Students should complete the minor as more effective participants in our workplaces and in civic affairs, and will be more appreciative of the centrality of work in our lives, families and relationships.

Labor Studies Minor Requirements

To earn the minor, students must complete the courses outlined in this degree table.

Required Courses

  • SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology, 3 credits
  • SOC 361 Sociology of Work, 3 credits
  • SOC 421 Social Inequality, 3 credits

Choose 15 credits from the following

  • COMM 361 Organizational Communication
  • COMM 435 Collaboration and Facilitation
  • DISPUT/COMM/SOC 390 Conflict Management
  • ECON 315 (GLOBAL 303) Global Economic Development
  • ECON 325 Heterodox Political Economy
  • ECON 327 Labor Economics
  • ECON 311 History Economic Thought
  • GENDER 200 Introduction to Gender Studies
  • GLOBAL 301 History of Globalization
  • GLOBAL 303 Global Economic Development
  • HIST 268 Working in America: Class, Labor, and Inequality
  • HIST 325 History of Socialism
  • HIST 349 History of Multicultural America
  • HIST 356 Debating Capitalism:
  • HIST Global Capitalism
  • HIST 387 History of the Police in Europe and America
  • HRM 330 Human Resource Law
  • HRM 340 Employee and Labor Relations
  • MEDIA 201 Introduction to Media
  • NONPROF 240 Introduction to Nonprofit Management
  • NONPROF 340 Volunteer Management and the Nonprofit
  • NONPROF 440 Funding for Nonprofits
  • POLS 401 Political Parties and Interest Groups
  • PR 201 Intro to Public Relations
  • PSYC 455 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
  • SOC 305 Racial and Cultural Minorities
  • SOC 320 Radical Sociology
  • SOC 380 Political Sociology
  • SOC 403 Social Change
  • SOC 425 Urban Sociology
  • SOC 426 Rural Sociology
  • SOCWRK 425 Social Welfare Policy
  • URBAN 390 Urban Inequality
  • 493 Internship

NOTE: *No more than six elective credits of SOC may be applied toward the minor.

For more information, please contact Martin Orr at

Download the Labor Studies Minor flyer (PDF).