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Dr. Michael Blain’s CV

VITAE Michael Blain Professor of Sociology Fall 2016


Department of Sociology ADDRESS
Boise State University 1910 University Drive Boise, ID 83725
Tel #: (208) 426-1346


– BA Psychology, California State University, Sacramento.
– MA Psychology, California State University, Sacramento Chair: Professor Manuel Ramirez, Jr.
– Ph.D. Sociology, University of Colorado, Boulder. Chair: Professor Raymond Cuzzort


– American Sociological Association – International Sociological Association – Pacific Sociological Association -Iris SocheolaPochta na Hθireann


1964-1967, Teaching, Research and Laboratory Assistant, Department of Psychology, California
State University, Sacramento.
1967 (Spring semester), Instructor, Department of Psychology, California State University,
1967 (Spring), Research Assistant, NIMH Research Grant, Manual Ramirez, Principal
Investigator, “Cultural Assimilation Problems of Mexico-American Youth in the Sacramento Public School System,” Sacramento, CA.
1967-1969, Research Assistant, NIMH Training Grant, Keith Davis, Principal Investigator, “The
Social-Psychology of LSD and Marijuana Drug Use,” Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado, Boulder.
1969-70, Psychology Instructor, St. Meinrad College, St. Meinrad, Indiana.
1970-72, Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Colorado, Boulder.
1972-73, Instructor, Department of Sociology, University of Colorado, Boulder.
1973-76, Tenure Tract, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Science,
Cameron State University, Lawton, Oklahoma.
1976-78, Visiting Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Science, Eastern Oregon State
College, La Grande, Oregon.
1978-81, Visiting Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Idaho State University,
Pocatello, Idaho.
1981-82, Visiting Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Boise State University,
Boise, Idaho.
1982-83, Hired Assistant Professor, Pink-slipped due to Governor’s declaration of a State of
Idaho Financial Exigency, Adjunct Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho.
1983-85, Rehired Assistant Professor, Tenure Tract, Department of Sociology, Anthropology,
and Criminal Justice Administration., Boise State University, Boise, Idaho.
1986, Tenured, Promoted to Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Boise State
University, Boise, Idaho.
1989 (Sabbatical, Spring Semester). Visiting Academic. Trinity College Dublin, and Visiting
Lecturer, Center for Peace Studies, Dublin, Ireland.
1994-96 Chair, Department of Sociology, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho
1996, Full Professor, Department of Sociology, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho.
1996-98 Chair, Department of Sociology, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho
1998 (Sabbatical, Fall Semester). Writing Project: Power, Subjectivity, and the Discourses of
Political Movement.
2002-04 Chair, Department of Sociology, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho
2004-06 Chair, Department of Sociology, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho


1983 (June). “National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Seminar: Foucault and
Heidegger: The Interpretive Study of Human Beings.” Hubert Dreyfus, Professor. University of California, Berkeley.
1987 (June). “Quebec Summer Seminar.” Sponsored by the Center for the Study of Canada,
SUNY, Plattsburg, Jeanne Kissner, Director. Universite de Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
1987 (August). “Didactic Seminar. Culture History.” John Hall, Professor. Sponsored by the
American Sociological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
1989 (Winter Term) “Discourse Analysis Seminar.” Brian Torode, Professor. Trinity College
Dublin, Ireland.
1991 (April). “Faculty Development Workshop: Integrating Peace Studies and Conflict
Resolution.” Cosponsored by Consortium on Peace Research, Education and Development, United States Institute of Peace. Maire Dugan and James Laue, Organizers. University of California, Berkeley.
1991 (August). “Didactic Seminar: Contributions of French Social Theory.” Charles Lemert,
Professor. Sponsored by the American Sociological Association. Cincinnati, Ohio.
1992 (June). “Workshop on Culture & Social Movements.” Cosponsored by the American Sociological Association and International Sociological Association, University of California. San Diego.
1993 (September). “Grant Proposal Writing Workshop.” Cosponsored by the Office of Research
Administration and the Faculty Research Advisory Committee, Boise State University, Idaho.
1998 (19-21 August). “Collective Behavior / Social Movement Workshop.” Sponsored by The
Working Group on Organizing, Social Movements, and the Academy, the American Sociological Association , and the National Science Foundation Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline, University of .California, Davis.
2001 (30 May-2 June). “Drug Policies for the New Millennium.” Sponsored by The Lindesmith
Center-Drug Policy Foundation 2001 International Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2004 (14-17 August). “Chairs Conference.” Sponsored by the American Sociological
Association, San Francisco, California.
2014 (4 December). “NVivo 10 Webinar – The NVivo for Windows Teacher’s Guide
Overview,” QSR International.
2015 (6 February) “Understanding ICPSR Webinar,” University of Michigan.
1967-69. National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship in Social-Personality Psychology,
University of Colorado, Boulder.
1974-75. Consultant Humanist, Oklahoma Council on Humanities Grant, “Women in Decision
Making in Southwest Oklahoma.”
1977-78. Consultant Humanist, Oregon Committee for the Humanities Grant, “Public policies
and human values: the politics of food.”
1978. Project Sociologist, HCNRA Planning Team, U.S. Forest Service. “Economic and
ethnographic assessment of ranching operations and people living in the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.” Baker City, Oregon.
1979. Consultant Humanist, Association for the Humanities in Idaho Grant, “Symposium on
growth and the quality of life,” Idaho Falls, Idaho.
1980. Research Consultant, McKenzie River Gathering Grant, “Nuclear Counterbalance: the
history and political economy of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory,” Pocatello, Idaho.
1983. National Endowment for the Humanities Faculty Seminar:” Foucault and Heidegger: The
Interpretive Study of Human Beings,” with Hubert Dreyfus, U.C. Berkeley.
1983-84. Principle Investigator, Ruth Mott Fund Grant awarded to the Snake River Alliance,
“Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Health Project,” Boise, Idaho.
1986. Canadian Faculty Enrichment Grant, “Political-Sociology of Canada,” Boise, Idaho.
1989. (Spring Semester). Sabbatical Leave: Irish Antinuclear and Peace Activism Research.
Boise State University, Boise, Idaho.
1996. Selected for membership in The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Boise State
University Chapter, Boise, Idaho.
1998. (Fall Semester). Sabbatical Leave: Power and Subjectivity in Political Discourse. Boise
State University, Boise, Idaho.


1968. (with Manual Ramirez) “Increasing Sociometric Rank, Meaningfulness, and
Discriminability of Children’s Names through Reinforcement and Interaction.” Child Development 39(3): 949-955.
1976. “The Role of Death in Political Conflict.” Psychoanalytic Review 63(2): 249-265.
1978. (with Bruce Mackey, Senior Author) Economic and ethnographic assessment of ranching
operations and people living in the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area, HCNRA Planning Team, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Baker, Oregon.
1985 [1984](with Carl Johnson, Carol Krieder and Robert Nicholas).Cancer mortality and
incidence in populations near the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. Snake River Alliance Research Project and the Ruth Mott Fund, Boise, Idaho.
1986 [1985] “Female Thyroid and Breast Cancer Mortality 1950-69 and Incidence 1971-80 in
Northern Idaho and Eastern Washington counties,” Physicians for Social Responsibility, Spokane, WA.
1987-88. Review of When Freedom was Lost: the Unemployed, the Agitator, and the State by
Lorne Brown. The American Review of Canadian Studies 17(4):457-8.
1987 (Coauthor with Charles Etlinger, Staff Reporter) “Power in Idaho: Six Part Series.” The
Idaho Statesman. July 19-14.
1988. “Fighting words: what we can learn from Hitler’s hyperbole.” Symbolic Interaction 11(2):
1989. “Power and Practice in Peace Movement Discourse.” Research in Social Movements,
Conflicts, and Change 11: 197-218.
1989-1991. Introduction to Sociology: Lecture and Study Guide, Second Edition. Dubuque,
Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
1991. “Rhetorical Practice in an Antinuclear Weapons Campaign.” Peace and Change 16: 355-
1992. “Fighting words: what we can learn from Hitler’s Hyperbole.” Reprinted in Sociological slices: Introductory readings from the interactionist perspective, edited by Gary Allen Fine, John Johnson, Harvey Farberman, 171-192. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press.
1994. “Power, War, and Melodrama in the Discourses of Political Movements.” Theory and
Society 23(6): 805-838.
1995. “Group defamation and the holocaust.” Chapter in Group Defamation and Freedom of
Speech, edited by Eric Freedman and Monroe Freedman, 45-68. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group.
1997. Review of Economic Sanctions: Panacea or Peacebuilding in a Post-Cold War World by
David Cortwright and George Lopez. Peace and Change 22(4): 503-505.
2001. The Politics of Death: A Sociological Analysis of Revolutionary Communication.
2005. “The Politics of Victimage: Power and Subjection in a US Anti-gay Campaign.” Critical
Discourse Studies 2(1): 31-50.
2007. “On the Genealogy of Terrorism.” Chapter in Interrogating the War on Terror, edited by
Deborah Staines, 49-66. Oxford Scholars Press.
2009. “Sovereignty, Bio-power, and the Global War on Terrorism.” The Discourse of
Sociological Practice 8(2): 37-59.
2009. The Sociology of Terrorism: Studies in Power, Subjection, and Victimage Ritual.
Universal Publishers.
2012 [2005]. “The Politics of Victimage: Power and Subjection in a US Anti-Gay
Campaign,” Reprinted in Special Issues edition of Critical Discourse Studies: Traditions of Discourse and Discourse Analysis
2012. Power, Discourse and Victimage Ritual in the War on Terrorism. Burlington, VT:
Ashgate Publisher.
2013 March. Review of Speculative Security: the Politics of Pursuing Terrorist Monies by Marieki de Goede. American Journal of Sociology, 118(5): 1460-62.
2014 June. Review of The Spectacular Few: Prison Radicalization and the Evolving
Terrorist Threat by Mark Hamm. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 55(3): 262-264.
2014 July. “The War on Terror as a Mode of Subjection: Power / Knowledge Relations in the
Age of Empire.” In International Histories of Sociology edited by Per Wisselgren, Pter Baehr, and Kiyomitsu Yui. Proceedings of the Research Committee on History of Sociology from the XIV ISA World Conference of Sociology in Yokohama, 13-19 July.
2015. “Social Science Discourse and the Biopolitics of Terrorism,” Sociology Compass, 9(3):
2015 July. “Potere, Rituale di Vittimizzazione e Terrorismo [Power, Victimage Ritual, Terrorism],” Chapter in La Macchina di Cui Non Si Può Pronunciare il Nome /
Sociologia del Male, edited by Giorgio Pacifici. Rome, Italy: Fontana di Trevi.
1969. “Reasons for and against drug use: a cluster analytic study.” Paper presented to the annual meeting of The Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
1974. “The unconscious, psychoanalysis and the sociology of knowledge.” Paper presented to
the annual meeting of the Southwest Sociological Association, Dallas, Texas.
1975. “Symbolic Functions of Death in Political Communication,” Paper presented to the 46th
annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Victoria, British Columbia.
1978. “On language, imagery, and emotion in political violence.” Paper presented to the 49th annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Spokane, Washington.
1978. “Roots of the violent imagination.” Paper presented to the 73rd annual meeting of the
American Sociological Association, San Francisco, California.
1979. (with Leonard Kovit) “Absolution Rituals” & “Imagination and social order.” Papers
presented to the 29th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Boston, Massachusetts.
1980. “The stereotypical imagination.” Paper presented to the 51st annual meeting of the Pacific
Sociological Association, Portland, Oregon.
1983. “The production of anti-nuclear discourse: movement literature as movement motive.”
Paper presented to the 54th annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, San Jose, California.
1984. (with Carl Johnson, M.D., Carol Kreider, and Robert Nicholas) “Cancer mortality and
incidence in populations near the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.” Paper presented to the 150th annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, New York, New York.
1984. “The strategy of Michel Foucault’s genealogical discourse.” Paper presented to the 55th
annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Seattle, Washington.
1984. “The strategy of Michel Foucault’s genealogical discourse.” Paper presented to the 79th annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Antonio, Texas.
1985. (with Angeline Kearns Blain) “The ballet: three steps in its historical development.” Paper
presented to the 56th annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
1985. “The strategy of antinuclear discourse.” Paper presented to the 80th annual meeting of the
American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C.
1985. (with Angeline Kearns Blain) “The ballet: three steps in its historical development.” Paper
presented to the 11th annual conference on Social Theory, Politics, & the Arts, New School for Social Research, New York, New York.
1986. “Female thyroid and breast cancer mortality (1950-69) and incidence (1971-80) in
northern Idaho and eastern Washington counties.” Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Vancouver, B.C.
1986. “Fighting words and war movements: what we can learn from Hitler’s Battle.” Paper
presented to the 57th annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Denver, Colorado.
1986. “Fighting words: what we can learn from Hitler’s Hyperbole.” Paper presented to the 81st annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York, New York.
1986. “Power and practice in peace movement discourse.” Paper presented to the 3rd annual
conference on Peacemaking and conflict resolution,” Denver, Colorado.
1987. “Power and practice in peace movement discourse.” Paper presented to the 58th annual
meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Eugene, Oregon.
1987. “Power and practice in peace movement discourse.” Paper presented to the 82nd annual
meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, Illinois.
1988. (invited presenter) “Group defamation and the Holocaust.” Paper presented to the
conference on Group Defamation & Freedom of Speech: The Relationship between language and violence, Hofstra University, Hempstead, New York.
1989. “Fighting words: what we can learn from Hitler’s hyperbole.” Paper presented to the
Conversation, Discourse, Conflict Conference, cosponsored by the Research Committee for Sociolinguistics of the International Sociological Association and Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
1989. “‘Downwinders’ in the media: cancer victims and the Sellafield nuclear site.” Paper
presented to Cumann SocheolaPochta na hIireann (Sociological Association of Ireland), Galway, Ireland.
1990. “Foucault’s analytic of power relations.” Paper presented to the 61st annual meeting of the
Pacific Sociological Association, Spokane, Washington.
1991. “Rhetorical practice in an antinuclear weapons campaign.” Paper presented to the 62nd
annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Irvine, California.
1991. “Foucault’s analytic of power relations.” Paper presented to the 86th annual meeting of the
American Sociological Association, Cincinnati, Ohio.
1992. “Power and the tactical polyvalence of discourses.” American Sociological Association/
International Sociological Association Workshop on “Culture & Social Movements.”
1994. “Power, war, and melodrama in the discourses of political movement.” Paper presented to the 13th annual meeting of the International Sociological Association, Bielefeld, Germany.
1995. (with Michael Le Duc) “The war on drugs: a Foucauldian genealogical critique” & (with
Joe De Angelis) “Idaho’s ‘No Special Rights’ initiative: a critical discourse analysis.” Papers presented to the 66th annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, San Francisco, California.
1995. “The arsenal of anti-gay discourses.” Paper presented to the 45th annual meeting of the
International Communication Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
1995. “On the genealogy of social movements.” Paper presented to the 2nd Theory, Culture &
Society Conference, Berlin, Germany.
1996. “The religious right movement and anti-gay campaigns in the Western United States.”
Paper presented to “The International Conference on Globalization and Collective Action: Strategies and Prospects for Oppositional Politics,” Sponsored by RC 47 of the International Sociological Association, May 17-19, University of California, Santa Cruz.
1997. “The Christian right movement, victimage rhetoric, and the ritual persecution of
homosexuals” & (with Angeline Kearns Blain) “Dancing as a symbolic form of identity practice: the invention of Basque ethnic identity.” Papers presented to the 68th Annual Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, April 17-20, San Diego, California.
1998. “Foucault and sociological discourse” & (with Jeremy Maxand) “Enough is enough!:
revivalism and rhetoric in an anti-drug campaign.” Papers presented to the 69th Annual Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, April 16-19, San Francisco, California.
1998. “Power, subjectivity, and social movement theory.” Paper presented to the XIV World
Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association, July 26-August 1, Montreal, Canada.
1999. “(with Jezreel Graham) “Who owns the drug problem?.” Paper presented to the 70th
Annual Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, April 15-18, Portland, Oregon.
1999. “Power, subjectivity, and social movement theory.” Paper presented to the 70
Annual Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, April 15-18, Portland, Oregon.
2000. “On the Genealogy of Political Power” & “The Uses of History: Critical Theory or
Genealogy?” Papers presented to the 71
Annual Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, March 23-26, San Diego, California.
2001. “Power, Genealogy, Practice.” Paper presented to the 72nd Annual Pacific Sociological
Association Meeting, March 29-April 1, San Francisco, California.
2002. “Power and the Terrorist.” Paper presented to the 73
Annual Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, April 18-21, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
2002. “The New Anti- ‘Drug-War’ Movement in the U.S.” Paper presented to the XV World
Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association, Brisbane Australia, July 7-13.
2003. “On the Genealogy of Terrorism.” Paper presented to the 74th Annual Meeting of the
Pacific Sociological Association, April 3-6, 2003, Pasadena, California.
2004. “Bush War Talk.” & “Drugs & Modernity” & “Political Violence, Terrorism, and
Subjectivity” & “Globalization and the War on Drugs.” Papers presented to the 75th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, April 15-18, 2004, San Francisco, California.
2005. Organizer and Presider and Presenter, Plenary Session: “Interpreting the Reelection of
President George W. Bush.” 76
Annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, April 7-10, Portland, Oregon.
2005. “The Reign of Bush’s Terror” & “On the Genealogy of Terrorism.” Papers presented to
the 37
World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, July 5-9, Stockholm, Sweden.
2006 “The Politics of Victimage: Power and Subjection in the Global War on Terror.” 77th
Annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, April 20-23, Hollywood / Universal City, California.
2007 “The Politics of Victimage: Power and Subjection in the Global War on Terror.” 78th
Annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, March 29-April 1, Oakland, California.
2008 “Biopolitics, Governmentality, and the War on Terrorism.” Fifth Annual Social Theory
Forum, April 16-17, University of Massachusetts, Boston.
2008 “Power and Subjection in U.S. Political Discourse: An Empirical Test of the Foucauldian
“Governmentality” Interpretation of Modern Society.” 79th Annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, April 10-13, Portland, Oregon.
2009 “Sovereignty, Biopower, and the Global War on Terror.” 80
Annual meeting of the
Pacific Sociological Association, April 8-11, San Diego, California.
2010 “Power / knowledge and Victimage Ritual in the Global War on Terrorism.” World
Congress, International Sociological Association, Research Committee 16: Theory, Session #3: Political Communication. Mabel Berezin, Organizer, July 11-17, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2012 (coauthor Don Winieki) “Mapping Conversation Patterns in the Asynchronous, Computer-
Mediated Classroom.” Session on “Conversational Analysis.” Tim Berard, Organizer, American Sociological Association, August 17-20, Denver Colorado.
2013 “Power, Discourse and Victimage Ritual in the War on Terror,” Session on “War and
Political Order,” Presider, Dylan Riley, Presider, Micro-Conference on “Capitalism, the Politics of Inequality, and Historical Change,” Co-Organizers, Catherine Lee and Julian Go, Comparative Historical/Political Sociology Sections, American Sociological Association, Columbia University, New York City.
2013 “Political Violence and Subjectivity: Power / Knowledge Dynamics in the Age of Empire,” Session on “Violence, the State, and the New Economy,” Jocelyn Viterna, Organizer and Presider, Micro-conference on “Capitalism, The Politics of Inequality, and Historical Change,” Co-Organizers, Catherine Lee and Julian Go, Comparative Historical/Political Sociology Sections, American Sociological Association, Columbia University, New York City.
2013 “The Second Implantation of Munster: George “Lord” Bennett of Bandon, Ireland and the
“White” Settlement of Bandon, Oregon,” Session on “Moving Forward into the Past,” Margaret McPeake, Chair, American Conference for Irish Studies, West, San Francisco, California.
2014 “The War on Terror as a Mode of Subjection: Power / Knowledge Dynamics in the Age of
Empire,” Session on “Geo-political Framing of The Social Sciences,” Albert Tzeng, Organizer, Research Committee 08: History of Sociology, International Sociological Association. Yokahama, Japan.
2016 with Angeline K. Blain, “Theorizing the War on Terror.” Research Committee 14: Sociological Theory, International Sociological Theory Conference, Cambridge University, UK.


1991-1998. Chair, Paul Wegner’s masters thesis committee: “Census Practices: Political
Confession and the Constitution of the Concept of Society.” Interdisciplinary Studies Program, Boise State University.
1997-1998 Member, James Pobst’s masters thesis committee: “Putting the Public Back into the
Public Sphere: ‘Informal Communicative Practices as a Community-Centric Idea of Public Communication,” Edward McLuskie, Chair, Department of Communications, Boise State University.
1998-1999 Member, Bradley Marvin Damschen’s masters thesis committee: “An Alcohol and
Drug Education Program for Adolescents,’ Interdisciplinary Studies Program, Boise State University.
2000-2002 Member, Jeremy Maxand’s Masters project committee: “Gay Rights, Morality,
Politics & Idaho’s Proposition One,” Todd Shallat, Chair, Department of History, Boise State University.
2000-2002 Member, Jezreel Graham’s Masters thesis committee: “The ‘Political’ Dimension of Communication,” Edward McLuskie, Chair, Department of Communication, Boise State University.
2001-2002 Member, Sarah Mawhirter’s Masters thesis committee: “Sex Work,” Lyn
Lubymersky, Chair, Department of History, Boise State University.
2001 Member, Jill Haunold’s D.Ed. thesis committee: “Character Education,” Department of
Education, Boise State University.
2003-04 Member, Kelly Rose’s Masters thesis committee: “Ideologies Implicit in the War on
Terrorism: A Rhetorical Analysis of Speeches from Opposing Voices,” Susan McCorkle, Chair, Department of Communcation, Boise State University.
2003-04 Member, Maria Gutierrez’s Masters thesis committee: “Bringing the Question of
Domination to Communication and the Democratic Reconstruction of Society: A Critical Appropriation of Gadamer, Dewey and Habermas,” Edward McLuskie, Chair, Department of Communication, Boise State University.
2004-05. Member, Karen Scheffer Moss’ Masters thesis committee: “Civic Education in High School and the Willingness to Engage in Volunteerism.” Ross Burkhart, Chair, Interdisciplinary Studies Program, Boise State University.
2004-05 Member, Jean Woodward”s Masters thesis committee: “Toward a Competency-Based
Curriculum for Public Health Workforce Development.” Sarah Toevs, Chair, College of Community and Environmental Health, Boise State University.
2004-05 Member, Fabiana Woodfin’s Masters thesis committee: “Lost in Translation:
Recovering the Critical in Gramsci’s Philosophy of Praxis,” Edward McLuskie, Chair, Department of Communication, Boise State University.
2004-05 Member, Emina Musanovic’s Masters thesis committee: “Communicating Authenticity
through Ersatz Culture: The Fabrication of Identity as Nationalist Populism in Post- Communist Yugoslvia,” Edward McLuskie, Chair, Department of Communication, Boise
State University.
2001-06 Member, Don Winieki’s Ph.D. thesis committee: “An Ethnography of ‘Call Centers,’
School of Psychology and Sociology, Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, Australia.
2005-6. Member, Carrisa Wolf’s Masters thesis committee. “Alienated Newsworkers and the
Audience Commodity: Toward a Marxist Theory of Audience Communication,” Edward McLuskie, Chair, Department of Communication, Boise State University.
2005-8 Member, Catherine Naillon’s Masters thesis committee. “Modern Power, Sexual
Pleasure, and the Manufacturing of Consent: A Genealogy of BDSM,” Edward McLuskie, Chair, Department of Communication, Boise State University.
2007-8 Member. Matthew Dewey’s Masters thesis committee: “The Socio-political formation of
Contemporary Expressive Value: Implications of Value in Democratic Media Reform,” Edward McLuskie, Chair, Department of Communication, Boise State University.


1987 Session Organizer, Power and the Peace Movement, 28th annual meeting of the Western
Association of Sociology and Anthropology, Boise, Idaho.
1992 Anonymous Reviewer. “Rites of disarmament: the world-system context of ritual unity and
conflict in International nuclear debates.” Paul Wehr, Editor, Peace & Change.
1993 Anonymous Reviewer. “Integrating developments in language and theory with sociological
methods: in the classroom with ‘The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez’.” Dean Dorn, Editor, Teaching Sociology.
1993 Anonymous Reviewer. “Terrorism in the classroom: an analysis of meaning and
experience.” Peter Adler, Editor, Journal of Contemporary Ethnography.
1993 Anonymous Reviewer. “Anti-nuclear activism in the Pacific Northwest: WPPSS and its
Enemies.” Susan Unger, Managing Editor Peace & Change.
1993 Anonymous Reviewer. “Toward a language of peace: the rhetoric of rebirth within the
speeches of William Sloan Coffin.” Susan Unger, Managing Editor, Peace & Change.
1994 Anonymous Reviewer. “Divarications of employee drug testing through deconstruction and
discourse analysis.” Karen Lucas, Managing Editor, Theory & Society. ++ 1995 Anonymous Reviewer: “The formation of new political myth in Russia: a discourse
analysis.” Hank Johnston, Editor: Mobilization.
1996 Presenter: “Participatory Workshop: War, Genocide, and Other Large-scale Violations of
Human Rights as Topics in Traditional Sociology Courses.” The 67th Annual Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, Seattle, Washington, Allen Grimshaw, Organizers.
1996 Anonymous Reviewer: “The discourse of development and the making of the New World
Order.” Norman Denzin, Editor, Sociological Quarterly.
1996 Co-editor. The Pacific Sociologist. Pacific Sociological Association Newsletter.
1997 Manuscript Review, James Aho’s The Things of the World: A Social Phenomenology.,
Marcia Goldstein, Editor, Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc.
1997 Co-editor. The Pacific Sociologist. Pacific Sociological Association Newsletter.
1998 Session Organizer. Taking Stock: the Contribution of Michel Foucault to Contemporary
Social Thought. The 69th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, San Francisco, California.
1998 Co-editor. The Pacific Sociologist. Pacific Sociological Association Newsletter.
1998 Anonymous Reviewer: “When Prophecy Fails, Every Year: Israeli Press Coverage of the
Arab Minority’s Land Day Protest.” Joel Best, Editor, Social Problems.
1999 Co-editor. The Pacific Sociologist. Pacific Sociological Association Newsletter.
2000 (23-26 March) Program Chair. The 71st Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological
Association Meeting, San Diego, California.
2000 Session Organizer, G. William Domhoff: Who Rules America? Power and Politics in the
Year 2000 (Author Meets Critics), 71st Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, San Diego, California.
2000 Session Organizer, Poststructuralism: Power, Genealogy and Practice, 71
Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, San Diego, California.
2000 Panel Organizer, “Critical Theory and the Problem of Modernity,” 71st Annual Meeting of
the Pacific Sociological Association, San Diego, California.
2000 Co-editor. The Pacific Sociologist. Pacific Sociological Association Newsletter.
2000 Anonymous Reviewer: “Creating transnational solidarity: the use of narrative in U.S.—
Central America Peace Movement.” Hank Johnson, Editor, Mobilization.
2000 Anonymous Reviewer: “Pressure and violence framing in a shipyard union dispute.” Hank
Johnston, Editor, Mobilization.
2000 Nominated Candidate for PSA Council, Northern Region.
2001 Co-editor. The Pacific Sociologist. Pacific Sociological Association Newsletter.
2001 Session Organizer, “Critical Theory: Power, Coercion, Communication,” &
“Poststructuralism: Power, Genealogy, Practice.” 72nd Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, San Francisco, California.
2001 (Fall 2001) Candidate for PSA Vice President.
2002 Session Organizer, “Poststructuralism: Power, Genealogy, Practice.” 73nd Annual Meeting
of the Pacific Sociological Association, Vancouver, B.C.
2002 Elected to Council of Pacific Sociological Association, 2003-2005.
2003 Organizer, Two Sessions, “Social Science and Terrorism” & Presider “A Potpourri of
Sociological Work.” 74rd Annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Pasadena, CA.
2004 Session Presider and four paper presentations, Presider, “The Sorokin Lecture,” and
presentations, “Neoliberalism, the Bush Doctrine, and Their Discontents,” “Drugs in Society,” “Post-Structuralism, Power, Subjectivity,” and “The War on Drugs: Intended and Unintended Consequences.” 75th Annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, San Francisco, California.
2005 Organizer and Presider and Presenter, Plenary Session: “Interpreting the Reelection of
President George W. Bush.” 76
Annual meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Portland, Oregon.
2005 Organizer and Presider and Presenter, Sessions on “Terrorism A: Causes, Origins,
Dynamics” and “Terrorism B: the War on Terrorism,” 37
World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Stockholm, Sweden.
2006 Anonymous Reviewer: “Discursive legacies and the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the Iraq War: the U.S. Peace Movement and ‘Support the Troops’.” Amy Wharton, Editor, Social Problems.
2008. Anonymous Reviewer. “Sickness for sale: direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising and the medicalization of life.” Charles Powers, Editor, Sociological Perspectives.
2009. Anonymous Reviewer. “Constructing global ‘Wars without End’: Vocabularies of Motive
and the Structure of Permanent War.” Tony N. Brown, Katharine M. Donato, Larry W. Isaac, Holly J. McCammon, Editors, American Sociological Review.
2010. Anonymous Reviewer. “Cultural Categories and the Construction of Threat: U.S.
Counterterrorism in the 1990s and Beyond.” Brian L. Donovan and William G. Staples, Editors, The Sociological Quarterly.
2011. Anonymous Reviewer. “The War on Terror and Policy-Attitude Formation: How National
Identity Matters.” Brian L. Donovan and William G. Staples, Editors, The Sociological Quarterly.
2011. Anonymous Reviewer. “Propaganda by Martyrs: A Sociological Analysis of Terrorist
Framing Suicide Bombers,” Karen A. Cerulo, Editor, Sociological Forum.
2011. Anonymous Reviewer. “From Shadows to Structures: How Hegemonic Ambiguities
Formalized States of Exception in the U.S. Empire,” Tony Brown, Katherine Donato, Larry Isaac, Holly McCammon, Editors, American Sociological Review.
2014. Anonymous Reviewer. “Terrorism and modernism: outline of a sociological framework,”
Naveed S. Sheikh, Editor, Politics, Religion & Ideology.
2016 and Angeline Kearns Blain. Organizer and Presider, RC18: Political Sociology sessions on “The War on Terror, Part I and Part II,” 3rd International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology, Universitat Wien, Vienna, Austria ( WWW.ISA- SOCIOLOGY.ORG/FORUM-2016 ).
2016. Organizer and Presider. RC14 Sociology of Communication, Knowledge and Culture
session on “Contemporary Communication Issues. Part B,” 3
International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology, Universitat Wien, Vienna, Austria ( WWW.ISA- SOCIOLOGY.ORG/FORUM-2016 ).


1985-87. Member, University Professional Standards Committee.
1989-90. Member, College of Social Science and Public Affairs, Faculty Evaluation and Salary
Policy Committee.
1989-90. Adjunct Professor Coordinator. Department of Sociology.
1990. Member. College of Social Science and Public Affairs, Promotion and Tenure Committee.
1990-1991. Adjunct Faculty Coordinator, Department of Sociology.
1991. Member, College of Social Science and Public Affairs, Promotion and Tenure Committee.
1991-1992. Adjunct Faculty Coordinator, Department of Sociology.
1992-93. Adjunct Faculty Coordinator, Department of Sociology.
1992-93. Member, College of Social Science and Public Affairs, Technology Committee.
1992-93. Member, University Library Committee.
1993/95. Chair, Department of Sociology.
1993-94. Member, College of Social Science and Public Affairs, Dean Search Committee.
1993-94. Member, University Library Committee.
1995/98. Chair, Department of Sociology.
1996. Member, College of SSPA Dean Evaluation Committee: Jane Ollenburger.
1997. Advisor. Student ACLU Club
1998. Member, College of SSPA Faculty Evaluation Committee.
1998. Advisor. BSU Students For Direct Action.
1998. Advisor. Student ACLU Club
1999. Advisor. BSU Students For Direct Action.
1999. Advisor. Student ACLU Club
2012. Member, College of SSPA Dean Evaluation Committee: Michael Blankenship.
2006. Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, College of Social Science and Public Affairs.
2007. Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee, College of Social Science and Public Affairs.
2008. Member, Department of Sociology, Promotion and Tenure Committee.
2009. Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Sociology.
2010. Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Sociology.
2011. Member, Progress toward Tenure Committee: Professor Rosaura Tafoya-Estrada,
Department of Sociology.
2012. Chair, College of SSPA Dean Evaluation Committee: Melissa Lavitt.
2012. Member, Progress toward Tenure Committees: Professors Rosaura Conley- Estrada,
Sergio Romero, and Arthur Scarritt.
2013. (Spring) Member, Progress toward Tenure Committees: Professors Rosaura Conley-
Estrada, Sergio Romero, and Arthur Scarritt.
2014. (Spring) Member, Progress toward Tenure Committees: Professors Rosaura Conley-
Estrada, Sergio Romero, and Arthur Scarritt.
2014. (Fall) Department Personnel Committee (Romero Application for Tenure and Promotion)
2014. (Fall) Department Representative, Promotion and Tenure Committee, College of Social
Science and Public Affairs.
2015 (Fall) Department Personnel Committee (Conley-Estrada application for Tenure and
2015 (Fall) Department Representative, COAS Tenure and Promotion Policy Guideline
2016 (Fall). Department Personnel Committee (Scarritt and Orr applications).
2016 (Fall). COAS Promotion to Full Professor Committee.
2016. (Spring and Fall) Sociology Department Representative, COAS Tenure and Promotion
Policy Guideline Committee.


1982. Organizer and presenter, “The Economics of the Arms Race,” to the Ground Zero
Convocation: The Threat of Nuclear War,” cosponsored by Boise State University, Union of Concerned Scientists, and United Campuses to Prevent Nuclear War, Boise, Idaho.
1982. Presenter, “Economics of the Arms Race,” to the Understanding the Nuclear Arms Race: A
Seminar for Women, sponsored by Boise Women for Peace, Boise, Idaho.
1985-87. Member, University Professional Standards Committee.
1985. Speaker, “Female thyroid and breast cancer mortality (1950-69) and incidence (1971-80)
in northern Idaho and eastern Washington counties,” to the Symposium on Health and Hanford sponsored by the Physicians for Social Responsibility, Spokane, Washington.
1986. Speaker, “Female thyroid and breast cancer mortality (1950-69) and incidence (1971-80) in northern Idaho and eastern Washington counties,” to the Hanford Symposium cosponsored by Palouse Clearwater Hanford Watch, Palouse SANE, Associated Students University of Idaho, Associated Students Washington State University, Hanford Education Action League, Moscow, Idaho.
1987. Panelist, “Racial intolerance: social and economic implications,” to a Panel Discussion on
Racial Intolerance sponsored by the Catholic Ecumenical Commission, Boise, Idaho
1987. Speaker, “The NRTS/INEL and the Nuclear Arms Race,” conference on the Nuclear Arms
Race, sponsored by the Idaho Health Professionals for Social Responsibility, Boise, Idaho
1987 (with Charles Etlinger, Statesman Investigative Reporter). “Power in Idaho: Six Part
Series.” Idaho Statesman July 19-24.
1989-90. Member, College of Social Science and Public Affairs, Faculty Evaluation and Salary
Policy Committee.
1989-90. Adjunct Professor Coordinator. Department of Sociology.
1990 (May). Organizer & Presenter, “How Much License in Academic Freedom? Scholarship
Vs. Advocacy,” to the BSU Interdisciplinary Humanities Conference, Warm Lake, Idaho.
1990. Lecture, “The Cold-War and the Peace Movement,” Professor Alan Fletcher’s history
class, “The End of the Cold-War.”
1990. Member. College of Social Science and Public Affairs, Promotion and Tenure Committee.
1990. Presenter, “What Drug Crisis?,” National Issues Forum on The Drug Crisis: Public
Strategies for Breaking the Habit, sponsored by the College of Social Science and Public Affairs, BSU, SUB.
1990-1991. Adjunct Faculty Coordinator, Department of Sociology.
1991. Member, College of Social Science and Public Affairs, Promotion and Tenure Committee.
1991. Presenter, “War and Rhetoric: the Hypocrisy of Power,” Gulf Crisis Seminar Series, sponsored by the College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, BSU, SUB, Idaho.
1991. Panelist, ” Aftermath of the Iraq War: Domestic Implications: the War Back Home,”
sponsored by the BSU Conflict Management Center and the College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs, BSU, SUB, Idaho.
1991. Speaker, “The Global Arms Race,” Boise Monarch Club, Boise, Idaho.
1991-1992. Adjunct Faculty Coordinator, Department of Sociology.
1992. Organizer and Presider, “Guest Panel on Selected Topics: Social Science and Human
Values,” the Fourth Annual Idaho Student Social Science and Public Affairs Conference, Boise State University, Idaho.
1992-93. Adjunct Faculty Coordinator, Department of Sociology.
1992-93. Member, College of Social Science and Public Affairs, Technology Committee.
1992-93. Member, University Library Committee.
1993. Speaker, “The IRA,” 5th period English in the Workplace class, Capital High School,
Boise, Idaho. 1993/95. Chair, Department of Sociology.
1993-94. Member, College of Social Science and Public Affairs, Dean Search Committee.
1993-94. Member, University Library Committee.
1994. Panelist, “Values summit with Bill Roberts,” The Idaho Statesman, Saturday, November
26, Section D.
1995/98. Chair, Department of Sociology.
1995. Speaker, “Right-Wing Extremism,” to Humanists of Idaho, Boise, Idaho.
1995. Interview, “The Impact of the Beatle’s on Society,” Don Nelson, Anchor/Reporter,
Channel 6, ABC Television, Boise, Idaho.
1995. Speaker, “Right-Wing Extremism,” Brown Bag Lecture Series, Student Programs Board.
1995. Organizer and Panel Moderator, Frank Church Conference on Public Affairs.
1996. Organizer and Panel Moderator, Frank Church Conference on Public Affairs.
1996. Member, College of SSPA Dean Evaluation Committee: Jane Ollenburger.
1996. Interview, “Political Language and Incitement,” Robb Yagmin, Manager, Channel 6, ABC
Television, Boise, Idaho.
1996. Interview, “INEL Research: Radioecological Effects in
Animal and Human Populations,” David Madison, Editor, Boise Weekly.
1996. Speaker, “Contemporary American Right-Wing Social Movements,” to Boise Exchange,
Black Angus Restaurant.
1996 Interview, “Contemporary Right-Wing Movements,” Kim Jensen, KBOY Radio, August 5,
Boise, Idaho.
1996 Interview, “Contemporary Right-Wing Movements,” Tiffany Murray, BSU Radio News,
August 8, Boise, Idaho.
1996 Interview, “Adversity, Character, and Leadership,” Tim Woodward, Idaho Statesman,
October 30.
1996 Interview, “’Nuts and Sluts’ class causes stir,” Dan Popkey, Idaho Statesman, Nov. 26.
1997 Interview, “More Idahoans ready to become their own bosses,” John Tucker, Idaho
Statesman, Feb. 2.
1997 Interview, “Mass-Suicide in San Diego,” KIVI-TV, Channel 6, Brad Carlson, Mar. 27.
1997. Interview, “Mass-Suicide in San Diego,” KBCI-TV, Channel 2, Matt Rogers, March 27.
1997 Interview, “Guilty Verdict, Tim McVeigh,” KBSU, Tiffany Murray, June 2..
1997 Interview, “Red Hollywood: Celebrate Civil Liberties Week!” Statesman, Marianne Flagg,
Sept. 11.
1997 Interview, “Whatever happened to those friendly Boise cops? [response to cop killing man
driving car]” Statesman, Tim Woodward, Sept. 14.
1997 Interview “Film, discussion examine ‘Red Scare’,” Statesman, Marianne Flagg, Sept. 16.
1997 Interview, “Educators, others say disrespect is a problem” [response to shoot-out between
Boise cops and Brodrick brothers]. Statesman, Bill Roberts, Sept. 23.
1997 Interview, “Authority and Boise Shootings.” Idaho Press Tribune, Sept. 26.
1997 Co-organizer and panel presenter, “Interpreting the Shootings in Boise: alternative
perspectives.” Dept. Sociology & ACLU Club, SUB, Oct 8, BSU.
1997 Panelist, “Boise Police, City Council, and Youth,” Jodi Clark, Teacher, and Tiffany
Carson, Student Organizer, Nov. 18, Borah High School, Boise, Idaho.
1997. Advisor. Student ACLU Club
1997 Discussant, “Red Hollywood” Sponsored by ACLU of Idaho and ACLU Club of BSU.
SUB, 6-900 pm, Sept. 17.
1998. Member, College of SSPA Faculty Evaluation Committee.
1998. Advisor. BSU Students For Direct Action.
1998. Advisor. Student ACLU Club
1999. Advisor. BSU Students For Direct Action.
1999. Advisor. Student ACLU Club
1999. Organizer and Panel Moderator, Frank Church Conference on Public Affairs, Nov. 11..
1999 Speaker, “Legalization of Marijuana Forum,” sponsored by the BSU Student ACLU Club,
April 21, SUB.
2000 “Stop the Madness: A Citizen’s Rally to Legalize Hemp/Marijuana for Agricultural,
Industrial, Medicinal, and Personal Use by Adults,” May 6, Boise, Capital Building, Boise, Idaho.
2000 Discussant, “Steal this Movie,” sponsored by the BSU Student ACLU Club, The Flicks,
Sept. 12 & 13, Boise, Idaho.
2000 Interview, “Presidential Politics,” Idaho Statesman, Mike Butts, Sept. 13.
2002. “Just say know!” sponsored by the University Honors Students, Driscoll Lobby, BSU,
April 5.
2002 Interview, “Is the War on Terrorism a Real War?,” Associated Press. August 5, Chuck
2002. Organizer, Presenter, and Panel Moderator, “Department of Sociology Teach-In: War,
Terrorism, Drugs, Iraq, Peace,” Forum Room, SUB, BSU; broadcast TVTV, Public Access TV, Oct. 2, 9, 16, 23, Boise, Idaho.
2003. Speaker, “Student Strike ‘Books not Bombs’ Rally and March.” Sponsored by Campus
Greens, SUB, BSU, March 3.
2003 Interview, “Native Idahoans give way to transplants,” Idaho Statesman, Joe Kolman, June
2004. Speaker, “Student Strike ‘Books not Bombs’ Rally and March.” Sponsored by Campus
Greens, SUB, BSU, March 4.
2004. Speaker “Million Marijuana March.” Sponsored by Idaho NORML, Tim Teater Coordinator, March and Rally, May 1, Capital Building, Boise, Idaho.
2012. Member, College of SSPA Dean Evaluation Committee: Michael Blankenship.
2006. Panelist “Marijuana Decriminalization: Canadian and US Policy at Odds.” Canada Week
sponsored by BSU CSSPA & Canadian Studies Program, SUB, BSU, April 5.
2006. Panelist “Queer ID Conference – Swaying Public Opinion: Fact and Fiction in the Debate over Banning Gay Marriage,” Organizer and Moderator, Lisa McClain, Gender Studies, SUB, BSU, October 20.
2006. Lecture, “Why the War on Terrorism is a Fraud,” Presented to Point of View Conference,
Sponsored by Boise State University, Division of Student Affairs, BSU SUB, Thursday, November 9th, 2006.
2006. Panelist, “Nonproliferation: Closing the Nuclear Clubhouse,” Organizer and Moderator,
Doug Paddock, Sponsored by Idaho Progressive Student Alliance, Phi Alpha Theta, Political Science Association, Snake River Alliance, BSU SUB, Monday, November 13th , 2006.