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Graduate Program Mission

“The Boise State University School of Social Work prepares graduates for beginning social work practice with individuals and families, groups, organizations and communities and for advanced social work practice with individuals and families. We are committed to human rights, social and economic justice, egalitarianism, and respect for diversity.”

Within the context of this mission and consistent with EP 1.1, the goals of the School of Social Work are to:

  • Promote academic excellence that integrates social work theory and practice with community-based experiential learning and focuses on improving the human condition globally.
  • Develop programming to address local, state, regional social work education needs.
  • Support high quality scholarship that advances social work knowledge.
  • Foster inclusiveness, cultural competence and sensitivity.
  • Provide leadership in the development of service delivery systems.

As our mission suggests, the Boise State University School of Social Work MSW Program prepares students to work with diverse populations and issues. We educate students for advanced direct practice with individuals, families, households, groups, organizations and communities.

Goals of the MSW Program

  1. To provide an education program that prepares graduate students for advanced direct practice utilizing a strengths perspective.
  2. To provide an education program that prepares graduate students for culturally sensitive practice with individuals, families, groups, households and communities.
  3. To support faculty, staff and student diversity.
  4. To meet the needs of the State of Idaho through a major focus on agency-based practice.
  5. To support faculty involvement in research and demonstration projects.
  6. To educate for social work practice based on the values and ethics fundamental to the profession of social work.