For purchases that can’t be made with a P-Card, Shared Services provides requisition submittal services for all campus departments. We work closely with the Procurement team to assist departments by initiating the requisition using the purchase requisition request form in Bronco Hub. We’ll explain the relevant purchasing policies and procedures, ensuring you understand the process. If required, Shared Services will initiate a Payment Works invite. Finally, we initiate payment against the PO via the OK to Pay process to complete the requisition.
Process Steps:
- Request Submission: The department submits a purchase request to Shared Services via the Smartsheet Intake Form. Required information includes contract terms/quote, business purpose, and funding string.
- Request Review: Shared Services reviews the request, ensuring the provided information is accurate and complete.
- Requisition Submittal: Shared Services completes the requisition submittal via Bronco Hub.
- Buyer Assignment and Approval: The requisition is assigned to the appropriate buyer, who initiates the necessary approval workflow.
- Purchase Order Creation: The Procurement team creates a Purchase Order (PO) to cover the requisition.
- Payment Processing: Shared Services confirms that the campus department has received the items in good condition and processes the invoice payment against the PO via the OK to Pay process.