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Creating a Student Initiated Project

Service-Learning Student Initiated Project (SIP)

Student Initiated Project (SIPs) form is for students designing their own service-learning project. The Service-Learning Program cannot be held liable or responsible for student-initiated service projects. Students and their instructors must ensure the service project meets course learning objectives and is in accordance with Boise State University Service-Learning policies*.

Important: Before you fill out the SIP form, you must have already established contact with an organization and discussed with them the details of your service project. Remember, this is a partnership between you and the community organization; you must establish the partnership before filling out the Student Initiated Project web form.

Pro Tip: Take this SIP question guide with you when you meet with the organization to ensure you cover the necessary information when planning your service project.

Information to keep in mind as you decide on a service project:

  • Know and understand the goals of your Service-Learning.  What does your instructor hope you will get out of your experience?
  • Carefully select your service site. Consider these factors:
    1.What community issue(s) interests you?
    2. What community partner would be a good fit? This list of potential partners can provide ideas. Also check and
    3. What project would give you the greatest learning (go outside the box!)?
    4. When are you available to serve (evenings, days, weekends)?
    5. What are your location and transportation needs?
  • Be persistent and don’t procrastinate. Don’t expect an immediate response from the organization you’d like to work with, however, do contact Service-Learning staff if you don’t hear back within three days. Plan your service hours ahead of time, schedule your hours like you would a job or class time. Be consistent and honor your commitments.
  • Check out our Top Ten Tips for Student Initiated Projects

Ready to propose a Student Initiated Project for your Service-Learning?

Complete the following process:

  1. Complete this web form. This form will need to be approved by both the community partner and your instructor.
  2. Use a paper time log sheet to log your time.

*Policy Note: The service site must be a non-profit or government agency that addresses a community need.  The service site must carry liability insurance covering volunteers. Please review Risk & Safety guidelines. Students are not allowed to count SL hours for activities that are paid, involve lobbying or require religious instruction and/or worship.