Below you will find sample language for:
- SL definition and rationale
- Accountability to community
- Risk Management
SL syllabus statement – brief (sample #1)
This course has a service-learning designation, offering hands-on experience applying course concepts to a community need. Students deepen their learning, gain career-relevant skills, make a meaningful impact, and earn a Service-Learning distinction on their transcript for this class.
SL definition and overview (sample #2)
This class provides a service-learning opportunity which gives students hands-on experience applying what they learn in the classroom to an issue in the community. Student gain ____[valuable workplace skills, new perspective, etc.]___ and earn a Service-Learning distinction on their transcript for this class.
Students will work with the ___[organization]____ to ___[goal of project]___.
Through this experience, students will explore and learn more about ___[specific academic content]__.
Service-learning activities will include _________________________________.
Student learning will be evaluated by_________________________________.”
SL alternative/option (sample)
The SL plan for this course includes options to engage learners of all different backgrounds and abilities. Please contact me if you have any concerns or need further accommodation.
Accountability to community (sample)
Service-Learning: Please remember that, in service-learning, you represent yourself, our class, and Boise State University, and people are counting on you and appreciating your presence. Integrity, at all levels, is demanded. If, for any reason, you cannot meet a particular commitment for your service-learning, please communicate that to all involved parties immediately.
Risk and safety language
(see Risk Management Steps for Faculty for recommended syllabus language)