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Sample Course Timeline

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Below is a sample course timeline to help in developing your syllabus, including suggested student assignments with corresponding due dates.
Review Service-Learning opportunities Early in the 1st week of class
Choose your site and orientation dateEnd of 2nd week of class
Complete reflection activity #1
- What is the community issue you are going to address? – What are your expectations, learning goals, hesitations, things you are looking forward to?
– How could serving at this site help you understand your course information?(Possible format: Discussion, journal, paper — as specified by instructor)
Week 3
Attend the agency orientation. Bring your calendar and set a start date.End of 4th week of class
Benchmark deadline for starting serviceEnd of 5th week of class
Complete reflection activity #2 (even if you have not yet started your service)
– Why is there need of your service?
– What similarities do you think you might share with the people you are serving? What differences?
– What do you think are their strengths? What can you learn from them and their strengths?
(Possible format: Discussion, journal, paper — as specified by instructor)
Week 5
Reflection #3:
Class discussion: What are some of the ways this experience reinforces or contradicts what you are learning in class?Complete “Five minute paper” check-in detailing: hours completed, two highlights, two challenges, proposed solutions to challenges
Week 8
Complete final reflection activity #4/Wrap-up
– Select a theory or topic you learned in class and discuss how it relates to your service experience
– Identify and discuss three areas of growth or skills and attitudes you have developed through your involvement in the Service-Learning course.
(Possible format: Discussion, journal, paper.– as specified by instructor)
– Optional: complete a formal poster (or video) for the Service-Learning Exhibition.
End of 13th week
Complete project and/or hoursEnd of 14th or 15th week

** If you have trouble contacting your agency partner, inform your instructor and contact the Service-Learning Office prior to the deadline at (208) 426-1004.