Sierra Lewis
Prof. Erin Fox – PRO 311
Women & Children’s Alliance (WCA)

Community Partner: Women & Children’s Alliance (WCA)
Written Summary:
In my Media 301 Multimedia Storytelling class, we were assigned a project to find a non profit and create a public service announcement for their organization. I partnered with a local non profit organization called the WCA. They aid victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault by offering a safe house, 24 hour hotlines, court advocacy, education, financial empowerment and many other services to the community. I met with the outreach program to fully understand the impact of this organization and how, as a community we can help them help and educate others. They have been an integral part of the Boise community for over a hundred years and are constantly holding events and seminars in person and online to create a stronger bond with the public. I was able to tour the downtown facility and understand how individuals and families are supported and loved through the help of volunteers, ambassadors and staff. I see how important this organization is and I hope my PSA can help share this information with the public and reach those who need it.