Alana Lynn
Prof. Erin Fox – PRO 311
Ronald McDonald House

Community Partner: Ronald McDonald House
Written Summary:
In Public Relations Multimedia Storytelling class, we looked at different ways to help organizations tell their stories using different media tools. One organization we teamed up with was the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Idaho. Our goal was to create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) for them to distribute to local media and across their social media channels.
Working with an organization like the Ronald McDonald House in 2020 had challenges. Ronald McDonald House is a place for families of sick or injured kids to stay while their children are receiving care at area hospitals. Capturing the day-to-day activities and in-house interviews under COVID protocols required creative solutions. Volunteers could make an impact by donating a meal, a simple, yet impactful gesture.
The message of my PSA was “Be the Difference,” the theme captured the RMHC messaging in volunteering throughout the pandemic but also gave people the power to affect their community.
“Be A Difference” was the roof on the foundation we had built over the semester. To begin, we looked inward and ways to tell our story. A theme started emerging for me throughout the semester, and that was one discovery, and how to turn that self-discovery into action.