Sue Juarez
Dr. April Masarik – PSYCH 419
Project SHINE

Learning Goals:
– Get you to step out of your ‘sphere of influence’ and into the spheres of others.
– Further develop your desire and ability to listen.
– Increase your understanding for others’ needs, wants, and desires so that we begin to incorporate their views into our own outlook.
One of my goals going into service learning was gaining a better understanding of the population I was working with, as it was something new. I feel throughout my service I have been able to better understand how to work with not only English learners, but an older population.
A moment that changed my experience and broke down barriers: when I made a mistake and we were all able to laugh about it. I realized the elders didn’t expect me to know everything and it was okay to be myself.
This service is important because at times, many of these elders need more individualized guidance. Guidance that, realistically, the teacher cannot give to every student. By volunteering we are making an important impact for the student. This process has been important for my learning because it has challenged my previous assumptions about working with the elderly and the community we live share.
Going forward, I want to continue helping refugee elders in the community. There are many ways I could do this, but simply through my service learning I can share with others what this organization does, why it matters, and that it exists! It also changed my way of seeing Boise State because this organization meets on campus, making it both easy and convenient for students to volunteer.

Community Partner: Project SHINE
Mission Statement:
Project SHINE is a service learning student organization at Boise State University.  SHINE volunteers work with elder refugees (60+) at the English Language Center in Boise. With guidance from a mentor teacher, volunteers assist with classroom activities that help elders navigate their daily lives.
Project Purpose:
The goal of Project SHINE is to not only prepare elders for the citizenship exam, but also to develop elders’ English skills so that they can contribute to, and feel a sense of belonging in, their communities.
Course Concepts
A Wider Perspective
– This reading focused on 3 refugee stories and the lives they created in Boise. It was a good introduction and helps remind me to see those I work with as more than students or refugees. In or out of the classroom they are people with stories.
Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory
– The classroom practices trauma informed teaching, this theory helps piece together the different aspects of what a person carries with them.
Hale, A., & Rubinhow Hodges , K. (n.d.). A Wider Perspective.

I would attend SHINE and assist the teacher by:
- Sitting with students and discussing questions and answers
- Helping students with pronunciation
- Spelling words or writing questions/answers to help them see
- Leading activities questions
- Asking questions
- Helping match people and job title
- Being encouraging!
My volunteering helps the community because by having volunteers, students are able to receive more individualized attention. This allows the elders to not only learn the material, but also English at a pace good for them. Giving them more English speaking skills also allows the elders more ways to navigate their new environment.