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Don’t Be THIS Student

Don't Be THIS Student

Community partners love students who are enthusiastic and engaged! They don’t love students who swoop in to “save the day”, then swoop out again. Bring your energy and commitment, as well as a sense of humility and a willingness to learn.

Start Small, Think Big

Enthusiasm is fantastic, but thinking you can change the world overnight is just disappointing. Start small, but think big. Small acts of kindness, generosity and compassion do have an impact. Your community partner wants to hear your ideas and suggestions, but respect their knowledge and expertise by listening to and following the instructions and training they provide.

Communicate Effectively

Texting jargon and style is often the most familiar method of communication for students, however it is NOT the most effective method for communicating in a professional way. Using correct spelling, punctuation, grammar and contact information when you communicate to community partners and faculty will make your semester go much more smoothly.

Be Professional

Non-profit agencies depend on you to be there during your scheduled hours. Remember to be professional. If you need to change your schedule, give the standard two weeks notice. If you have an emergency or become ill, call in immediately to let them know you won’t be able to make your scheduled time.

Dress Appropriately

You don’t need to wear a suit, but dressing appropriately for your service site is very important. Sticky McGee, a lover of rules (and fried foods) will give you some useful guidelines.