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New Partner Toolkit

Welcome to Service-Learning at Boise State University! As a community partner, you are also a co-educator for service-learning students. See below for the steps and resources to begin your partnership with our program.

Step One:

If you have not already done so, please complete the Community Partner Interest Form. This form collects information about your organization that will be key to identifying a good match and outlines our shared responsibilities as community partners. If your need requires direct service from a student, you will also need to enter into a Direct Service Agreement with the University.

Step Two:

Engage with faculty members to plan for the semester’s project

  • Placement Description Template (this link will allow you to make a copy)
  • Topics to discuss:
    • What are agency goals and potential projects that might connect to course goals?
    • What does success look like? or What would a deliverable look like?
    • Discuss course goals
    • Possible student experiences (to achieve course outcomes, what type of experience will students need? e.g., practice a skill, apply a theory, engage with a population, etc)
    • Students’ capacities (what skills & knowledge can students contribute to a project?)
    • Number of students available (could students work as a group or individually?)
    • Project scope and parameters (desired outcome, tasks, # hours, timeline, location, and evaluation)
    • The schedule for the upcoming semester, including busy times, breaks, deadlines that might impact the project
    • Agency involvement, including visits to the classroom, meetings with students, faculty visits to the site
    • Student preparation, training requirements, onsite orientations, supervision, any safety issues
    • Method/frequency of exchanging feedback between faculty and agency, including debriefing (and celebration!)
      • What is the preferred method of communication?

Step Three:

Prepare for Orientations. All Service-Learning students are required to attend an agency orientation. See below for a checklist of topics to cover and other resources.

Step Four:

Stay in touch! Throughout the semester, you will receive newsletters from the SL program with just in time information and helpful tips. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. SL staff will be in touch at the end of the semester to evaluate your service projects and plan for the next semester.

And finally:

For a comprehensive guide to Service-Learning and GivePulse, the platform used to manage projects, approve time, and communicate with students, faculty, and SL staff, please feel free to view or download/print the Community Partner Handbook.