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Service-Learning Course Offerings

Service Learning, International Rescue Committee, Photo Patrick Sweeney

Find classes by searching for college, instructor, or course (updated 3/27/2025).

Note: times and dates of classes may have changed; consult Broncoweb or the Student Center.

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Service-Learning Classes in Action

Transcript of videos

Fall 2025 SL Classes

CollegeClassesSectionClass NamePrimaryMeeting Time/DaysCourse Format
COASART 4202Recontextualizing the American West through Interpretive SignsEryn Pierce3:00-5:30pm MoWeIn Person
COASBAS 4954101, 4201BAS CapstoneMargaret Sass– – –Online
COASBMOL 6031Biophysical InstrumentationByung Kim12:00-1:15pm MoWeIn Person
COASCOID 3524301Designing for ImpactAnthony Saba– – –Online
COENCORE 4054201Cyber Project Mgmt & DesignKody Walker– – –Online
COEDED-ESP 2501Exceptionality in the SchoolsKathleen Conley12:00-1:15pm TuThIn Person
COEDED-LLC 3431Reading Diagnosis & InterventHannah Carter3:00-4:15pm TuThRemote
COEDED-LLC 3432Reading Diagnosis & InterventJenna Colson3:00-4:15pm TuThRemote
COASENGL 10127Writing and Rhetoric IElizabeth Barnes9:00-10:15am TuHybrid
COASENGL 10128Writing and Rhetoric IElizabeth Barnes12:00-1:15pm TuHybrid
COASENGL 10129Writing and Rhetoric IElizabeth Barnes1:30-2:45pm TuHybrid
COASENVSTD 3001Management and AnalysisMari Rice9:00-11:45am MoIn Person
COASGENDER 3807Sociology of the FamilyDesiree Brunette3:00-4:15pm TuThIn Person
COASGEOS 3051Global Climate ChangeKerrie Weppner1:30-2:45pm TuThIn Person
COASGEOS 4701Grand Challenges: Addressing Environmental ChangeJen Pierce10:30-11:45am MoWeIn Person
COHSHLTH 4104003Health & AgingLynn Fyanes– – –Online
COHSHLTH 4904001Capstone ExperienceTom Turco– – –Online
COASIPS 4904101, 4301Community-based Learning Proj.Margaret Sass– – –Online
COASIPS 4954101, 4201IPS CapstoneMargaret Sass– – –Online
COBEITM 430/5301Predictive AnalyticsChristie Fuller1:30-2:45pm MoWeIn Person
COBEITM 430/5302Predictive AnalyticsChristie Fuller3:00-4:15pm MoWeIn Person
COHSKINES 3791Lab Motor Develop & Human BehLaura Petranek10:00-11:50am WeIn Person
COHSKINES 3792Lab Motor Develop & Human BehLaura Petranek10:00-11:50am TuIn Person
COHSKINES 4321-24Conditioning ProceduresShawn Simonson9:00-9:50am TuThIn Person
COASLING 3171Second Language AcquisitionCasey Iezzi10:30-11:45am MoWeIn Person
COASMUS 3722General Music MethodsLori Gray7:55-10:15am ThHybrid
COASMUS ENS 1271-5Chamber MusicBrian Hodges1:30-2:20pm TuThIn Person
COASMUS ENS 3271-5Chamber MusicBrian Hodges1:30-2:20pm TuThIn Person
COASMUS ENS 5291-2Chamber MusicBrian Hodges1:30-2:20pm TuThIn Person
COBENONPROF 2404301Intro to Nonprofit MgmtMelinda Gauthier– – –Online
COBENONPROF 3404001, 4301Volunteer Mgmt & the NonprofitKathleen McDonald– – –Online
COHSNURS 4178Community & Pop Health NursingTeresa Roumonada8:00am-3:00pm ThIn Person
COHSNURS 4171-4Community & Pop Health NursingTeresa Roumonada12:30-8:30pm FrIn Person
COHSNURS 4175-7Community & Pop Health NursingTeresa Roumonada11:30am-6:30pm TuIn Person
COENOPWL 5294201, 4202Needs AssessmentDon Winiecki– – –Online
COASPR 3011PR Campaign StrategiesChristine Moore, Jinho Joo10:30-11:45am TuThIn Person
COASPSYC 4314001Social PsychologyJessica Ayers– – –Online
COBESCM 4352Project ManagementDan Rush10:30 am-11:45 am TuThIn Person
COASSOC 3401Sociology of the FamilyDesiree Brunette3:00-4:15pm TuThIn Person
COHSSOCWRK 2011Foundations of Social WorkAlyssa Reynolds10:30-11:45am TuThIn Person
COHSSOCWRK 2012Foundations of Social WorkValerie Haddon4:30-7:15pm ThIn Person
COHSSOCWRK 2014001Foundations of Social WorkDominique Harris– – –Online
COASUF 2004014, 4016EthDiv & Free SpeechCarissa Wolf– – –Online
SPSVIP 200, 400, 50027Housing Opportunities for AllVanessa Fry9:00-10:15am WeHybrid
COASWRITE 4034001Editing for Clear CommunicationJennifer Mallette– – –Online