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Glossary of Terms

Student Success Hub Glossary of Terms

Action PlansContain common or frequently used tasks and breaks them into smaller, more managble steps for students-
Advisee CaseCase gives advisors access to the student's Success Team. This identifies a student's 1:1 advisor assignment(s).
Advising NotesAn electronic academic advising record that can be shared and viewed by academic advisors across campus. This tool allows advisors and other university personnel to share information about students in a seamless and secure way while providing a comprehensive repository for student advising records. Advising notes are shared with the student and accessible to them through their student portal.-
Advising Poolallows students to schedule an appointment with someone other than their assigned advisor. Advisors are assigned to the Advising Pool based on the College/Department they provide advising services to. If a student chooses an Advising Pool, SSH will look at the assigned Advisors whose Shift availability matches the appointment request.Advisng Team
AlertsAlerts are used to monitor Student performance with respect to, grades, academic probation, and other metrics-
Appointment StatusIdentifies if a student completed an appointment, or if they canceled or no-showed-
Assigned ResourceAdvisor whis is assigned to meet with a student during a service appointmentAssigned Advisor
CancelRemove a service appointment and release that time back into the scheudle for another student to select-
Console ViewRelated records all open in a single Tab, with Sub-Tabs in second row-
Engagement ChannelWays in which Staff Members can take Student appointments (Phone, In
Person, Virtual)
Appointment Mode, Appointment Type
Enrollment StatusStudent enrollment in a next future term-
Exception DatesDates that will be exempt from any recurring advising shifts-
Follow-Up dateDate entered in an advising note that the advisor needs to conduct some type of follow up with the student. These will be displayed on the advisor dashboard-
Global SearchSearch across all Objects and fields, reports, dashboards and more-
Gmail ConnectorA Google Chrome extension designed to integrate your Google Workspace applications with Student Success Hub. Use the extension to log emails (with attachments) between you and your students in Student Success Hub without leaving your Google inbox. Add emails to the student’s account for easy viewing.-
Historical Advising NotesAny advising note entered and stored in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions-
Learner ProgramMajors, minors, certificatesMajors, Minors, Certificates
LockedAn Advising Note can be locked manually by an Advisor (within 24 hours of creation) or will automatically lock after 24 hours of the note being created.-
ModifyChange the engagement channel, service resource, time slot, or status of an existing appointment-
Person AccountPerson Accounts store information about students by combining certain Account and Contact fields into a single record.” Another understanding of this is a marriage between Accounts and Contacts to form a single location for a student’s dataStudent Account, Advisee Student Center
Power UserPower Users are granted additional permissions. These permissions include managing appointment topics, which includes updating topic durations and buffer times, as well as managing advisor teams, such as updating roles and locations for team members, editing team shifts and service appointments. Power Users are the liaison between advisors and the technical Salesforce team when issues arise.-
PrivateThe Advising Note will not be visible to Peer Advisors.-
Reported Expected Graduation TermA self-reported field: When the student says they are going to graduate.-
RIVAThird party integration tool used to syncnoize Salesforce appointments to Advisor Google Clalendars-
Service AppointmentAdvising AppointmentAdvising Appointment
Service ResourceStores staff information and allows Advisors to create Shifts for Students to schedule appointmentsAdvisor
Service TerritoryService Territories represent geographic regions, such as cities, counties, and neighborhoods. For our purposes, every advisor’s service territory is Boise State University-
ShiftsAvailability slots visible to all Staff Members and Students during which students can schedule appointments. Shifts can be created up to 180 days in advance.-
SSOSingle Sign-On-
Success TeamsPredefined case teams assigned to a student. Students can be assigned to success teams across multiple categories such as academic, sports, finanical, career, etc.-
TasksTo Do" items for students and other adivsors-
Work TopicsTopics Advisors can address during their Shift. Available for Students/Advisors to select when scheduling appointments.Advising Topics
Work TypeTopics Advisors can select from to add to their Shift Work TopicsAdvising Topics
Work Type GroupWork Type Groups are the different departments on campus. Different departments or work type groups are available for Students to select when scheduling appointments.-