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Inland Marine

Inland Marine property coverage is self-funded under the Retained Risk Account. Coverage is optional and requires scheduling of individual assets with RMI. This coverage is for business personal property with values between $250.00 and $5,000.00. RMI suggests scheduling property that is frequently transported and/or subject to theft, breakage or easily damaged.


“All Risk” (Coverage for losses arising from all causes except those specifically excluded within the policy). This includes vandalism, arson, and fire, smoke and water damage.


$250.00 per occurrence

Common Exclusions

  • Mysterious disappearance (unknown cause or date)
  • Consumable items
  • Mobile equipment
  • Property held in inventory

Coverage for Employee Personal Property

Valued at $5,000 or less can be provided under the following conditions:

  • Items that are required or requested by the employee’s supervisor and are needed to perform the employee’s duties;
  • Must be included on the State of Idaho Major Property Values in the RMIS system under contents, as well as scheduled under the Inland Marine Coverage.

To schedule or delete an asset, complete the Inland Marine Schedule. You will be required to complete fields for each asset, (bundling of items will result in a request of individual breakdown of the assets), purchase price, date, serial number, and description of the asset that includes the year, make and model. Once scheduled, each item will be assigned an asset number by State Risk’s RMIS system. Boise State University RMI will provide the asset number to the submitting department.

How to Make a Claim

  1. Complete a Property Damage/Loss Report. Be sure to include the serial number and/or any other identifying information on the Property Damage/Loss form.
  2. Losses from theft, vandalism, or other crimes must be reported to Campus Security/Boise Police Department at (208) 426-6911 or within the local jurisdiction.
  3. Obtain an estimate for the cost of repair. If the item is not repairable, statements and supporting evidence indicating why the item cannot be repaired are required. Non-repairable items require estimates for replacement. Estimates must be for a similar or like item. Keep the salvage for inspection. Forward estimates for repair (or statements of non-repair and replacement estimates) to
  4. If you have additional documents such as photos, receipts, reports or statements, please send those to referencing the property damage/loss.