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Fine Art

Fine Art property coverage is for owned or contracted artwork which includes paintings, etchings, pictures, tapestries, art glass windows, valuable rugs, statuary, marbles, bronzes, antique furniture, rare books, antique silver, manuscripts, porcelains, rare glass, pottery and similar property of rarity, historical value, or artistic merit. This insurance is for Boise State University owned and non-owned property. Fine Art insurance carries a $1,000 deductible.

This is not automatic coverage. Items must be scheduled prior to loss to be considered for coverage. To schedule coverage, complete the Fine Art Schedule Form and email it to Risk Management and Insurance at Values of each piece must be provided by the artist or an appraiser. Should damage occur, additional appraisals of the artwork may be required.

How to Make a Claim

  1. Complete a Property Damage/Loss Report and submit to Be sure to include the serial number and/or any other identifying information on the Property Damage/Loss form.
  2. Damage/Losses from theft, vandalism, or other crimes must be reported to Campus Security/Boise Police Department at (208) 426-6911 or within the local jurisdiction.
  3. If you have additional documents such as photos, reports, or statements, please send those to, referencing the specific damage/loss incident.