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Foreign Liability Coverage

Foreign Liability coverage provides for bodily injury and property damage arising from foreign operations in which the state is liable. Further, it provides voluntary Employer Benefits Liability, Accidental Death and Dismemberment and Medical Expense coverage. This policy does not include coverage for trip cancellation, lost luggage or flight delays.

To schedule foreign travel for coverage please download, and complete the Foreign Travel Submission Form. Send completed forms to

Policy Territory

The foreign liability policy territory is anywhere in the world except:

  • The United States including its territories or possessions,
  • Puerto Rico,
  • Any country or jurisdiction which is subject to trade or economic sanctions imposed by the laws or regulations of the United States.

The countries or jurisdictions included on the Schedule of Excluded Countries list do not have foreign liability coverage available should any risks, danger or hazard arise during travel to the excluded country including safe transport and medical assistance, should the cause of those risks be due to war declared or undeclared, civil war, warlike action by a military force, insurrection, rebellion, revolution, usurped power, terrorism or threat of terrorism.

For a current list of these countries or jurisdictions, consult the U.S. Department of the Treasury (OFAC) website.  Boise State University has created a consolidated list of the Schedule of Excluded Countries that is valid for the school’s fiscal year 2024-2025.

Should your destination be to a Schedule Excluded Country, State Risk requires that you and your supervisor or department head complete and sign the State of Idaho Foreign Travel Acknowledgement of Risk form and email it to

Foreign Travel Executive Assistance Services

Boise State University has partnered with Chubb Travel to offer trip planning, travel assistance, and emergency response services to all employees, volunteers, and students.

To register, visit the Chubb Travel Smart portal using the policy number PHFD38328025 to create a profile.

Special Notice to Employees Traveling with Family:

Family members may choose to accompany a university employee in travel to a foreign destination. Please be advised that your choice to include family members in your travel does not obligate Boise State University to provide health or accident benefits to those family members. Any costs incurred during the course of your travel by any family member, including minor children or children for whom you are a guardian, are the sole responsibility of you or your family member. Please check with your health insurance provider for details regarding coverage for your family members while traveling outside the United States.

Faculty-led Study Abroad: Foreign Travel Checklist

On this page you can find important information and resources that need to be accessed before traveling abroad.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Risk Management at or (208) 426-3636.