Our curriculum is cohort-based and takes 3 years to complete once you are accepted into the program.
In This Section:
Pre-Professional Year
During your pre-professional year schedule an appointment to meet with our academic advisor, Olga Salinas.
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
Pre-Professional Year: 1st Semester | ||
BIOL 227* | Human Anatomy & Physiology (FN) | 4 |
ENGL 101* | Introduction to College Writing | 3 |
HLTH 101* | Medical Terminology | 3 |
MATH 254, Math 153, PSYC 295, KINES 301, or any college level statistics course* | Statistics | 3 |
UF100 | Intellectual Foundations | 3 |
TOTAL | 16 | |
Pre-Professional Semester: 2nd Semester | ||
BIOL 228* | Human Anatomy & Physiology | 4 |
CHEM 101/CHEM 101L or CHEM 111/CHEM111L* | Chemistry (FN) | 4 |
COMM 101 | Foundations of Communication (FC) | 3 |
ENGL 102* | Intro to College Writing & Research | 3 |
Multiple options | Foundations of Social Sciences (FS) | 3 |
TOTAL | 17 |
*These courses must be complete prior to starting the program in August. Curriculum is subject to change.
Our on campus program meets the Commission for Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC) goals defining expectations for entry into respiratory care professional practice “to prepare graduates with demonstrated competence in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains of respiratory care practice as performed by registered respiratory therapists (RRTs)”, and “to prepare leaders for the field of respiratory care by including curricular content with objectives related to the acquisition of skills in one or more of the following: management, education, research and advanced clinical practice (which may include an area of clinical specialization).”
1st Year
Degree Requirements
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
1st Year: Fall Semester | ||
RESPCARE 105 | Interdisciplinary Patient Care Skills Lab | 2 |
RESPCARE 203 | Foundations of Respiratory Care | 3 |
RESPCARE 204 | Foundations of Respiratory Care Lab | 2 |
RESPCARE 208 | Clinical Practicum I | 1 |
RESPCARE 217 | Pulmonary Assessment | 1 |
RESPCARE 220 | Cardiopulmonary Renal Physiology | 3 |
RESPCARE 302 | General Pathology | 3 |
UF 200 | Civic and Ethical Foundations | 3 |
TOTAL | 18 | |
1st Year: Spring Semester | ||
RESPCARE 223 | Respiratory Care Therapeutics and Introduction to Mechanical Ventilation | 4 |
RESPCARE 224 | Respiratory Care Therapeutics and Introduction to Mechanical Ventilation Lab | 3 |
RESPCARE 228 | Clinical Practicum II | 4 |
RESPCARE 229 | Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics | 3 |
RESPCARE 282 | Intro to Evidence-Based Inquiry | 3 |
TOTAL | 17 |
Course Descriptions
RESPCARE 105 INTERPROFESSIONAL PATIENT CARE SKILLS LAB (1-4-2)(F). An interprofessional disciplinary team approach is used to teach basic patient care skills and interventions to restore and protect health. (Pass/ Fail.)
RESPCARE 203 FOUNDATIONS OF RESPIRATORY CARE (3-0-3)(F). Theory and application of physics, chemistry, basic therapeutics, and disease management for respiratory therapists. Topics to include oxygen and carbon dioxide transport, humidity, aerosol therapy, airway clearance, hyperinflation, medical gasses, and patient monitoring. COREQ: RESPCARE 204, RESPCARE 208.
RESPCARE 204 FOUNDATIONS OF RESPIRATORY CARE LAB (1-2-2) (F). Equipment and basic therapeutics for respiratory care. Compressed gas cylinders, oxygen delivery devices, hyperinflation, airway clearance techniques, pulse oximetry, capnography, large and small volume nebulizers, MDI/DPI devices, and introduction to artificial airways. COREQ: RESPCARE 203, RESPCARE 208.
RESPCARE 208 CLINICAL PRACTICUM I (0-3-1)(F). Experience in the hospital with patients, techniques, and equipment. Emphasis on use of medical gases. COREQ: RESPCARE 203, RESPCARE 204.
RESPCARE 217 PULMONARY ASSESSMENT (1-0-1)(F). Theory and application of basic pulmonary assessment including inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. PREREQ: BIOL 227-228.
RESPCARE 220 CARDIOPULMONARY RENAL PHYSIOLOGY (3-0-3) (F). Normal and clinical physiological functions of the pulmonary, circulatory and renal systems. PREREQ: BIOL 227-228.
RESPCARE 223 RESPIRATORY CARE THERAPEUTICS AND INTRODUCTION TO MECHANICAL VENTILATION (3-0-3)(S). Principles and application of hyperinflation therapy, chest physiotherapy, medication calculation, arterial blood gas interpretation and an introduction to adult mechanical ventilation. PREREQ: RESPCARE 203. COREQ: RESPCARE 224, RESPCARE 228, RESPCARE 250.
RESPCARE 224 RESPIRATORY CARE THERAPEUTICS AND INTRODUCTION TO MECHANICAL VENTILATION LAB (1-2-2)(S). Use and application of hyperinfation therapy devices, chest physiotherapy, suction devices, oral endotracheal intubation and adult mechanical ventilation. PREREQ: RESPCARE 203. COREQ: RESPCARE 223, RESPCARE 228, RESPCARE 250.
RESPCARE 228 CLINICAL PRACTICUM II (0-12-4)(S). Experience in the hospitals with patients, techniques, and equipment used in hyperinfation therapy and chest physiotherapy. PREREQ: RESPCARE 203. COREQ: RESPCARE 223, RESPCARE 224.
RESPCARE 229 CARDIOPULMONARY DIAGNOSTICS (3-0-3)(S). Students will develop foundational knowledge regarding gathering and interpretation of laboratory tests, radiographic images and cardiopulmonary diagnostics. PREREQ: RESPCARE 220.
RESPCARE 282 Introduction to Evidence-Based Inquiry (3-0-3)(S). Introduction to locating, selecting, and critically reviewing medical literature relevant to the practice of evidence-based respiratory and critical care. Constructing and researching clinical questions. Skills for keeping abreast of new medical information, deciding which information is valid and applicable to patient care, and using this information to improve patient care. PREREQ: RESPCARE 203; MATH 153 or MATH 254.
RESPCARE 302 GENERAL PATHOLOGY (2-0-2)(S). Human pathology pertaining to systems of defense, modes of injury, diseases of development and function, heart, hematopoietic lymphoreticular, and respiratory systems. PREREQ: BIOL 227-228.
During your 1st year, schedule an appointment to meet with your faculty advisor to ensure you are on track to graduate in a timely fashion.
*Curriculum is subject to change.
2nd Year
Degree Requirements
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
2nd Year: Fall Semester | ||
RESPCARE 301 | Principles of Pharmacology | 3 |
RESPCARE 303 | Advanced Mechanical Ventilation | 4 |
RESPCARE 304 | Advanced Mechanical Ventilation Lab | 2 |
RESPCARE 308 | Clinical Practicum III | 4 |
HLTH 382 | Research Methods in Health | 3 |
TOTAL | 16 | |
2nd Year: Spring Semester | ||
RESPCARE 323 | Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care | 3 |
RESPCARE 324 | Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care Lab | 1 |
RESPCARE 328 | Clinical Practicum IV | 4 |
RESPCARE 329 | Cardiopulmonary Diseases and Management | 3 |
RESPCARE 376 | Professional Ethics and Advocacy in Respiratory Care | 3 |
RESPCARE 422 | Research in Respiratory Care I | 1 |
TOTAL | 15 |
Course Descriptions
RESPCARE 301 PRINCIPLES OF PHARMACOTHERAPEUTICS (3-0-3)(F). Principles, practical uses, and interaction of drugs and their relationship to disease. PREREQ: BIOL 227-228.
RESPCARE 303 ADVANCED MECHANICAL VENTILATION (3-0-3) (F). Theory and clinical application of advanced mechanical ventilation of the adult, including care and management of artificial airways, and clinical application of hemodynamic monitoring. PREREQ: RESPCARE 223. COREQ: RESPCARE 300, RESPCARE 304, RESPCARE 308.
RESPCARE 304 ADVANCED MECHANICAL VENTILATION LAB (1-2-2)(F). In-depth practice, application and understanding of a variety of state-of-the-art critical care ventilators used to ventilate adults. PREREQ: RESPCARE 223. COREQ: RESPCARE 300, RESPCARE 308.
RESPCARE 308 CLINICAL PRACTICUM III (0-16-5)(F). Experience in the hospital with patients, techniques, and equipment as applied to mechanical ventilation and artificial airways. PREREQ: RESPCARE 223. COREQ: RESPCARE 303, RESPCARE 304.
RESPCARE 323 NEONATAL AND PEDIATRIC RESPIRATORY CARE (3-0-3)(S). Terry and application of therapeutic techniques specific to neonatal and pediatric patients. Congenital heart disease, prematurity, infant respiratory distress syndrome, pediatric specific disease processes. PREREQ: RESPCARE 303. COREQ: RESPCARE 324, RESPCARE 328.
RESPCARE 324 NEONATAL AND PEDIATRIC RESPIRATORY CARE LAB (0-2-1)(S). Equipment and mechanical ventilators specific to neonatal and pediatric patients. High frequency ventilation, neonatal resuscitation, exogenous surfactant, basic care of neonates, and pediatric specific ventilation techniques. PREREQ: RESPCARE 303. COREQ: RESPCARE 323, RESPCARE 328.
RESPCARE 328 CLINICAL PRACTICUM IV (0-16-5)(S). Experience in the hospital and other health care environments with any or all aspects of respiratory care. PREREQ: RESPCARE 303. COREQ: RESPCARE 323, RESPCARE 324.
RESPCARE 329 CARDIOPULMONARY DISEASES AND MANAGEMENT (3-0-3)(S). Emphasis placed on cardiopulmonary conditions, disease states, practices and special procedures encountered in hospital, out-patient and rehabilitation setting. Case studies/problem-based learning will be used to develop students who can gather and synthesize information for comprehensive approach to the practice of respiratory care. PREREQ: RESPCARE 229.
RESPCARE 376 CULTURE, DIVERSITY, AND HEALTHCARE (3-0-3) (S). Examine the influence of social, cultural, and religious beliefs on health in multicultural and diverse groups. Students will learn how to respond and navigate to these multicultural and diverse groups in a healthcare setting.
HLTH 382 RESEARCH METHODS IN HEALTH (3-0-3)(F,S,SU). Design of experiments, methods of analysis, interpretation and communication of results, and use of research to support evidence-based practice. PREREQ: upper-division standing, ENGL 102, and MATH 254 or KINES 301 or PSYC 295 or SOC 310 or PRE/COREQ: PUBH 318 or PERM/INST.
RESPCARE 422 Research in Respiratory Care I (0-2-1)(S). Research project carried out by the student in collaboration with a supervising member of the Respiratory Care faculty. PREREQ: HLTH 382, RESPCARE 282.
During your junior year, schedule an appointment to meet with your faculty advisor to ensure you are on track to graduate in a timely fashion.
*Curriculum is subject to change.
3rd Year
Degree Requirements
Course Number | Course Title | Credits |
3rd Year: Fall Semester | ||
RESPCARE 408 | Clinical Practicum V | 4 |
RESPCARE 423 | Advanced Neonatal, Pediatric and Adult Critical Care | 3 |
RESPCARE 425 | Education and Leadership in Respiratory Therapy | 3 |
RESPCARE 482 | Research in Respiratory Care II | 2 |
RESPCARE 490 | Professional Preparation Capstone (FF) | 3 |
TOTAL | 15 | |
3rd Year: Spring Semester | ||
Foundations of Social Sciences (FS) | 3 | |
Foundations of Humanities (FH) | 3 | |
Visual and Preforming Arts (FA) | 3 | |
TOTAL | 9 |
Course Descriptions
RESPCARE 408 CLINICAL PRACTICUM V (0-V-V)(F,S,SU). Supervised practice in various health care facilities. PREREQ: RESPCARE 323 and PERM/INST.
RESPCARE 423 ADVANCED NEONATAL, PEDIATRIC, AND ADULT CRITICAL CARE (3-0-3)(F). Theory and clinical application of advanced neonatal, pediatric and adult critical care management including high frequency ventilation, early mobility, ECLS and ICU Delirium. PREREQ: RESPCARE 323.
RESPCARE 425 Education and Leadership in Respiratory Care (3-0-3) (F). Exploration of organizational leadership methodology and management of respiratory care departments. Discussion on educational methodologies among various populations. PREREQ: RESPCARE 323.
RESPCARE 482 Research in Respiratory Care II (2-0-2)(F). Focus on students’ understanding of the research process and research writing skills to create a research manuscript. PREREQ: RESPCARE 323.
RESPCARE 490 PROFESSIONAL PREPARATION CAPSTONE (FF) (2-0-2)(F). Culmination of portfolio development; review and preparation for credentialing examinations offered by the National Board for Respiratory Care. Emphasis will be placed on understanding of branching-logic examinations as well as computer-based, multiple-choice examinations related to clinical practice of respiratory care. COREQ: RESPCARE 423.