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Boise State University Student Kaelee Novich Receives Prestigious CAES Award

Pictured: Allyssa Bateman, Kaelee Novich, Dr. Brian Jaques, Dr. Dave Estrada. Kaelee is receiving the CAES Student of the Year award.
Pictured: Allyssa Bateman, Kaelee Novich, Dr. Brian Jaques, Dr. Dave Estrada

In a celebration of student dedication, the Boise State University Center for Advanced Energy Studies (CAES) recently honored Kaelee Novich with the Student of the Year award. Novich’s journey is not just a testament to her academic tenacity but a celebration of her commitment to shaping the future of sustainable energy solutions. Kaelee said:

At a time when energy demand is at an all-time high, the United States will have to expand its nuclear energy infrastructure, and I am eager to be part of it. I believe increasing the number of nuclear reactors will require more young individuals to actively participate in the industry and I strive to create a platform where this can happen.

Let’s get to know Kaelee and her Accomplishments:

  • NNSA Internship in Washington DC: Kaelee Novich’s journey takes her to the center of nuclear energy policy-making as her internship contributes to the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) in Washington DC. Her dedication to driving meaningful change in this sector is inspirational.
  • FuNZI Symposium Founder: With visionary leadership, Novich founded, organized, and hosted the student FuNZI (Future Net-Zero Innovators) Symposium at the Center for Advanced Energy Headquarters in Idaho Falls. This three-day event showcased the students’ innovative research and highlighted the multifaceted approaches to sustainability and carbon emissions reduction that aim to inspire local industries.
  • President of BSU Nuclear Energy Club: As president of the BSU Nuclear Energy Club, Kaelee Novich brought enthusiasm and camaraderie to the community. Her efforts were warmly received in the spring of 2023 when the club earned recognition from the American Nuclear Society (ANS) and was formally sanctioned as a student selection of the ANS.

Brian Jaques, Assistant Professor of Nuclear Materials and Additive Manufacturing, said this of Kaelee’s dedication:

“Kaelee is aware of the advocacy needed to engage her generation, as well as younger generations, in policy development and STEM. She is on an impressive mission to educate and encourage the public to support the missions of the Department of Energy, Offices of Nuclear Energy, and National Nuclear Security Administration in nuclear energy advancement. Accordingly, Kaelee is a strong advocate for nuclear energy and understands its necessity for the future energy demands of our country and our world.”

Kaelee Novich’s journey is one of achievement, resilience, passion, and unwavering dedication. Her story inspires fellow energy enthusiasts and reminds us all that with determination and heart, we can shape a brighter, more sustainable future. Congratulations, Kaelee, on your well-deserved accolades!

I feel grateful and appreciative to have been selected as the 2023 CAES student of the year. – Kaelee Novich

Kaelee Novich, CAES Student of the Year