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A Patchwork of Passion: A Day in the Life of Cassie Koerner

Cassie Koerner stands on an old tree trunk in Reykjanesfólkvangur, Iceland
Cassie Koerner in Reykjanesfólkvangur, Iceland

In the intricate tapestry of Boise State University’s academic landscape, Cassie Koerner stands out as a vibrant thread, weaving together interdisciplinary research, community engagement, and a deep love for quilting and the outdoors.

As the Assistant Director of Research, Communications, and Development at the CAES Energy Policy Institute, Cassie’s work is as diverse as the quilts she creates. Her days are a whirlwind of research, writing, and collaboration, where she navigates the ever-changing landscape of energy policy and education.

“Part of what keeps my job so exciting is there is no typical day,” Cassie shares. “We are on the cutting edge of technological and policy developments, building the plane as we fly it.”

Cassie delves into interdisciplinary research in her role, focusing on community approaches to energy transitions, STEM education, policy assessments, and community engagement. She works tirelessly to empower aspiring researchers, mentoring them in social science research methodologies and writing.

Cassie Koerner smiles while holding basalt and mineralized CO2 at CarbFix, Iceland
Cassie Koerner holds basalt and mineralized CO2 at CarbFix, Iceland

Cassie’s role at Boise State extends beyond the campus, as she recently traveled along with Director Kathy Araujo to Iceland for the Arctic Circle Assembly. There, she presented on a panel discussing low-carbon technologies and opportunities in Arctic communities, drawing from her work with the INL-led Emerging Energy Market Analysis Initiative. Visiting geothermal power plants and witnessing the impacts of volcanic eruptions highlighted the importance of assessing risks in energy infrastructure, a critical aspect of her work back home.

Despite her demanding role, Cassie finds balance by embracing her hobbies. “I love to sew, especially to make quilts and bags,” she says. “It combines math and art and provides practical items when you complete a project.”

Cassie stands holding her fireworks quilt, featured in Quiltfolk, Issue 20. The photo was taken by Azuree Wiitala
Fireworks quilt, featured in Quiltfolk, Issue 20. Photo by Azuree Wiitala

Sewing, for Cassie, is not just a hobby but a metaphor for her life. Just as each quilt block comes together to create a beautiful design, Cassie’s work and personal life intertwine to form a meaningful whole. She finds joy in spending time outdoors with family and friends, camping, hiking, and exploring the beauty of the Pacific Northwest.

“I try to prioritize ‘creativity’ in any form, daily,” Cassie notes. “Whether it’s sewing, hiking, or spending time with loved ones, these activities rejuvenate me and keep me grounded.”

Cassie stands with her college roommate while hiking Waimea Canyon, Kauai. A large canyon and mountains are in the background.
Cassie stands with Kristin, her college roommate, while hiking Waimea Canyon, Kauai

In addition to her hobbies, Cassie is deeply involved in her community, volunteering with organizations that provide essential supplies to local shelters. For Cassie, volunteering is a way to give back and connect with others, embodying the spirit of kindness and generosity.

As Cassie continues to quilt together the pieces of her life, both professional and personal, she remains a beacon of inspiration and hope, reminding us of the beauty that comes from embracing our passions and connecting with others.

Cassie Koerner smiles with family while hiking in a forested area in Northwest Washington.
Cassie Koerner hiking with family while in a forested area in Northwest Washington.
In Cassie Koerner's hands, she holds four beautifully sewn masks with colorful fabrics that she made during COVID 19.
Four of 150 handmade masks Cassie Koerner made during COVID 19. Photo by Azuree Wiitala
Koerner displays some of her beautifully sewn, handmade bags.
Cassie Koerner displays a few of her handmade bags.
Cassie (R), Amanda (L-sister), Rob (brother-in-law), and family stand with Christmas gift baskets to support a local women's shelter.
Cassie (R), Amanda (L-sister), Rob (brother-in-law), and family stand with Christmas gift baskets to support a local women’s shelter.