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Explore New Training Modules in Bronco Learn

With three exciting training modules completed and five more lined up to be accomplished in spring, Boise State faculty and researchers can now embark on a fantastic learning journey using our research and creative activity tools. These trainings are available within the Bronco Learn registry and will show up on your Canvas dashboard as self-paced courses.

Explore Bronco Learn today to dive into the newly released training modules.

The three modules available are:

  • Export Control
  • SciENcv
  • SPIN

Stay tuned for courses to be published in spring 2024, including:

  • Introduction to Research and Creative Activity at Boise State
  • Manage Award Program
  • Team Science 101
  • Prepare Proposal Program Submodules: Logic Model Development and Proposal Graphics
  • InfoEd Navigation for Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The Division of Research and Economic Development recognizes Education, Training and Programmatic Sustainability Director Anna Drennen for her fantastic work within the Division and Bronco Learn.

Please reach out to Anna Drennen with questions:

A reminder: NSF now requires the use of SciENcv for preparation of biosketches and current and pending documents. Use the Bronco Learn link to also reach your SciENcv training!