Dr. Cynthia Clark

Dr. Clark is an award-winning tenured professor, professor emeritus at Boise State University, and the Founder of Civility Matters™. She is a licensed registered nurse with more than 35 years of experience in health care practice and academic settings. As a clinician, she specialized in adolescent mental health, substance abuse recovery, and suicide and violence prevention. She is a leading expert in fostering civility and healthy work environments around the globe. Her groundbreaking work on fostering civility has brought national and international attention to the controversial issues of incivility in academic and work environments. Her theory-driven interventions, empirical measurements, theoretical models, and reflective assessments provide “best practices” to prevent, measure, and address uncivil behavior and to create healthy workplaces. Her keynote addresses, workshops, and seminars are highly acclaimed, custom designed, relevant, interactive, and thoroughly engaging.

About the great blue heron image: This majestic bird is a beautiful, graceful, and noble creature representing self-determination, self-reliance, patience, presence, and the innate wisdom necessary to co-create one’s own circumstances. That is how Dr. Clark views pursuing civility. There are those among us who have the grace and nobility to speak the truth, the self-determination to transform and revolutionize the human condition, and the ability to use innate wisdom to create and sustain cultures of civility and respect.