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Proposal Document Submission Deadline Guide


General Guidance

Section 4.1 of Boise State University Policy Number 5030 requires all proposals to be routed through OSP Pre-Award Services prior to submission to the sponsor. To allow for the routing, review, and approval of all proposals, OSP Pre-Award must receive the final, complete proposal documents by no later than five (5) business days prior to the proposal submission deadline.  With the exception of the final narrative, no further changes should occur to the proposal, including the budget, after the submission of the final documents.  The final narrative must be submitted to your Pre-Award Research Administrator (RA) by three (3) business days prior to the submission.  Minor changes to correct mistakes identified in the proposal routing may be corrected after the five (5) or three (3) day deadlines.

Pre-Award Services has developed this Document Submission Deadline Guide to help PIs determine (a) whether certain proposal documents are narrative documents and may be submitted to Pre-Award in accordance with the three (3) business day rule and (b) whether a change may be made after the five (5) or three (3) business day deadlines.

Is this document a Proposal Narrative Document?

Document Type Proposal Narrative Documents
(final due to Pre-Award three (3) business days before submission)
All Other Proposal Documents
(final due to Pre-Award five (5) business days before submission)
Scope of Work

X yes no
Project Summary X yes no
Project Description X yes no
Research Plan X yes no
Statement of Project Objectives X yes no
References Cited, References and Citations X yes no
Budget Justification (including all subtypes, such as “Personnel Justifications”, “Narrative Justifications”, and “Detailed Justifications”) no X yes
Other than Certified Cost and Pricing Data no X yes
Certified Cost and Pricing Data no X yes
Current and Pending Support no X yes
Biographical Sketches no X yes
Collaborators and Other Affiliations Information no X yes
Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources no X yes
Curriculum Vitae no X yes
Data Management Plans no X yes
Resource Sharing Plans no X yes
Post-Doctoral Mentoring Plan no X yes
Multiple PI Plans no X yes
NSF Supplementary Documentation It depends on the requirement, discuss with your Pre-Award RA. It depends on the requirement, discuss with your Pre-Award RA.
Documentation required for Research Compliance, such as justifications for Human Subjects, Animal Subjects (including Vertebrate Animals), Drones, and Biosafety (including Select Agents) no X yes
Subrecipient Documentation, including Subrecipient Commitment Forms no X yes
Consortium Agreements no X yes
Letters of Collaboration, Letters of Support, Statements of Commitment no X yes
Small Business Subcontracting Plans no X yes
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plans no X yes

*While this is a comprehensive list, OSP Pre-Award cannot assure that it includes every sponsor document. Please contact your Pre-Award RA ( if you are unsure whether a document qualifies as a narrative document.

What changes are permitted after the five (5) or three (3) day deadlines?

Change Types Changes permitted after five (5) or three (3) day deadlines
(No formal approval is required per BSU Policy 5030 Section 4.1.d.)
Changes not permitted after five (5) or three (3) day deadlines
(Formal approval is required to make the change per BSU Policy 5030 Section 4.1.d.)
Correcting a budget error (such as incorrect salary, fringe rate, indirect cost rate) Yes, including other minor changes as needed to correct the error. N/A
Adding personnel or changing effort No This is not a minor change and will require approval.
Changes to the proposal narrative (such as Project Description, Scope of Work, etc.) No The three (3) day deadline applies to these documents. In most cases, any changes after the three (3) day deadline are not permitted.
Changes to Current and Pending Support or Biosketches Rarely. This generally will only be allowed in order to correct errors discovered during routing. In most cases, approval will be needed to make changes to these documents.
Changes needed upon review of the final documents by Pre-Award RAs, Departmental Administrators, Business Managers, Chairs, Deans, or other Boise State departments (such as the Office of Information Technology, the Office of Institutional Compliance, the Office of General Counsel, the Office of Research Compliance, or the Office of Environmental Health, Safety, and Sustainability) Yes N/A

**OSP Pre-Award cannot assure that this is an exhaustive list. Please contact your Pre-Award RA ( if you are unsure whether a change is permitted after the five (5) or three (3) day deadlines.

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