In January 2025, the federal government transitioned to new leadership in the White House and Congress. As with any Administration or Congressional change, new leadership will have new priorities for their term which will include updating or rescinding existing policies, writing new policies or laws, and funding new or different research to support their priorities. The Division of Research and Economic Development (DRED) is working with the university’s Government and Community Relations team, contracted consultants, and various university stakeholders, as well as higher education advocacy groups, peer institutions, and academic experts to understand the evolving situation. As changes occur, we will assess their expected impact on our campus and provide guidance and next steps as soon as possible.
There have been recent reports of communication pauses and policy changes at federal agencies that fund the university’s research and creative activities. Transitioning to a new Administration takes time, and it is not unusual to have pauses in agency communications. Agencies often hold decision making until the new Secretary or Administrator is appointed and has a chance to implement the new Administration’s priorities. Please expect limited communication from agencies while new leadership is confirmed or appointed, including:
- new funding opportunities;
- announcements of new awards;
- publishing reports; and
- updating web pages.
Until additional information is available, faculty and staff should continue following existing sponsored project (i) proposal deadlines and instructions and (ii) award terms and conditions. Please see the “General Guidance & Resources” section below for more information.
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) at
Adapted from the Arizona State University’s Research Operations News, Washington State University’s Federal Funding Updates, and University of Colorado Boulder’s Federal transition: Updates, campus resources, insights and more.
General Guidance & Resources
- Federal agency submission portals are operational and we will continue to facilitate proposal submissions as usual.
- Proposal review timelines at sponsoring agencies may be extended during the transition period.
What to do:
- There may be changes to proposal deadlines. It is recommended to regularly confirm deadlines for proposals currently under development.
- Confirm that any funding announcements on your radar have not been revised, postponed, or cancelled. Consider signing up for alerts from the sponsoring agency, if available.
- Considering recent Executive Orders and guidance from federal agencies (please see the “Resources” section below), please carefully consider the words you use in your proposal titles, narratives, and other documents to address the text of the announcement and any current, enumerated policy objectives.
- The terms and conditions of signed awards remain enforceable, including the ability to invoice and receive reimbursements. Work under executed awards should proceed business as usual. Any changes to awards will come through an amendment from the agency for review and execution via OSP.
- Changes to research compliance and reporting requirements for current awards are anticipated. These may be implemented at the sponsor level or via an amendment on a project-by-project basis. Swift compliance with any new requirements is important, and failure could jeopardize funding beyond a single award. If you are unsure, please contact OSP for assistance.
- If specific programs are terminated or restructured, you may encounter difficulties accessing funds or meeting new criteria. Federal agencies managing these programs will typically issue guidance on how to proceed. We will pass this along promptly if/when received.
- If a program or initiative is reduced or defunded, there could be delays or pauses in payments for existing sponsored projects under those programs. While this is rare, it may occur if funding for a program is rescinded or redirected.
- OSP, PIs, and colleges/departments will need to more carefully scrutinize Advance spending accounts (Advances) and No-Cost Extensions (NCE) during the near-term.
What to do:
- Review your sponsored project award, including the Award Review Checklist that you received when you accepted the award. Ensure you understand the terms – especially clauses related to funding availability and reimbursement.
- Closely monitor budget obligations to avoid overspending awarded budgets while awaiting anticipated future funding.
- Stay in regular contact with your Program Officer and Contracting/Grants Officer to confirm that there are no changes affecting your award.
- Continue to submit required reports and deliverables to your sponsoring agency on time. Prioritize the submission of any materials that may be past due. Notify OSP immediately if there are extenuating circumstances that prevent timely submission.
- Keep an eye on announcements from the agency overseeing your sponsored project for any updates on funding or compliance.
- When submitting Advance and NCE requests to OSP, please include any correspondence you may have received from the Program Officer or Contracting/Grants Officer about potential restrictions on Advances or NCEs.
- Boise State University – Federal Funding Update (1/28/2025)
- OMB Memorandum M-25-13 Temporary Pause of Agency Grant, Loan, and Other Financial Assistance Programs (1/27/2025)
- DOE Memorandum for All DOE Funding Agreements or Awards (1/27/2025)
- APLU Overview of President Trump’s Executive Orders (1/23/2025)
- GSA Notice of intent to suspend enforcement of contractual DEI terms in existing agreements (1/23/2025)
- NASA Initial Guidance Regarding Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility (DEIA) Executive Orders (1/23/2025)
- DOE Agency-wide Review of Program and Administrative Activities (1/20/2025)
- Recent Executive Orders