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Business Managers

College and Departmental Business Managers (BMs) support Researchers as they move through the Research and Creative Activity Ecosystem. Business Managers support the Principal Investigator of the sponsored project in multiple ways, including, but not limited to, monitoring project funds, running reports, making equipment purchases, submitting budget adjustments, and completing human resource actions if needed. This page contains tools and resources to support Business Managers in this role.

Business Manager Steps

The business managers can support researchers during each step of the sponsored project life cycle, from proposal preparation and submission to award acceptance and management. Each step of the lifecycle is detailed further on the right.

The sponsored project lifecycle is integral to the Division of Research and Economic Development Research and Creative Activity Ecosystem. 

Proposal Preparation

Preparing and submitting your proposal.

Award Acceptance

Drafting, negotiating and accepting awards.

Award Management

Compliantly and efficiently managing your award.

Award Closeout

Closing out your award.

Business Manager Resources

Operational Reports

The following operational reports are available to Business Managers to support Principal Investigators throughout the sponsored project process. If you have trouble accessing any of these reports please contact with Research Administration Systems and Analytics.

Table of Operational Report

Report TitleReport Description
Master Department ID ListThis report cross-references among OSP Proposal Numbers, OFC Award Numbers, and OFC Project Numbers. If you have one reference, you can find the others. This information is updated daily.

Budget v. Actuals ReportThis drillable report provides budgeted costs versus actual costs for sponsored projects. Important FAQs are available at

Pending Awards ReportThis report shows the number and dollar amount of pending Awards, Award Amendments, Advance Department IDs, and Advance Spending Requests. The "Current Proposal Status" column identifies the status of these pending actions after they have been received by OSP Contracting Services. This information is to be used in conjunction with the Audit Trail feature in Frevvo. The "OSP_CO" status in Frevvo is when OSP Contracting Services receives the action.
F&A Allocation ReportThis report identifies, by month, F&A recovery allocations.
Procurement Standards for Sponsored ProjectsThe information in this report identifies the procurement requirements for specific sponsored projects, and is based on the output data from Frevvo.
Open AdvancesThis report shows how many Advance Department IDs and Advance Spending Requests are open as of the report run date, as well as how long they have been open.
No-Cost Extension ReportsThis report shows how many No-Cost Extensions are pending approval.
Subawards ReportThis report provides a list of all active Subawards under University prime awards. This report is updated each Monday.

Finance Resources

Coming Soon.

Using PPM to Manage Projects

Please see the Reasons to Use OFC’s Project Portfolio Management (PPM) web page.

OSP is currently working with OIT and various campus users to identify, test and deploy additional OFC/PPM reporting functionality that simplifies award financial management for college and departmental administrators (e.g., Budget v. Actuals report for all college and department projects).  This web page will be updated to reflect new resources as they become available.