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Technical Report Reminders Change

The Post-Award team has recognized your pain with the technical report deliverable notifications and we finally made a change. Effective April 1, 2022 we are transitioning the deliverable management to Smartsheet. We hope you will rejoice with us because once a task is marked complete it will stay that way, no more re-opening escalations. We also have more control over the message so it should be easier to read.

What you need to know:

  • The reminders will come from the sender: Jennifer Lutke via Smartsheet
  • The award information will be easy to find in the email, you won’t have to stretch a box to read it
  • We can now send reminders to multiple email addresses
  • If you would like to add someone as a secondary contact, email
  • We have tested the Smartsheet and email reminders, but if something isn’t working please reach out right away.

Thank you!

Jen & the Post-Award Team