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Federal Funding Updates 2025

In January 2025, the federal government transitioned to new leadership in the White House and Congress. As with any Administration or Congressional change, new leadership will have new priorities for their term which will include updating or rescinding existing policies, writing new policies or laws, and funding new or different research to support their priorities. The Division of Research and Economic Development (DRED) is working with the university’s Government and Community Relations team, contracted consultants, and various university stakeholders, as well as higher education advocacy groups, peer institutions, and academic experts to understand the evolving situation. As changes occur, we will assess their expected impact on our campus and provide guidance and next steps as soon as possible.

To help provide up-to-date information to the entire Research and Creative Activity Community, DRED has developed a webpage that will be used to post agency notices and provide guidance. Please take a moment to review the Federal Funding Updates 2025 webpage.

In the meantime, we ask that you share all agency communications related to federally funded projects with the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) at  If you have any questions, please contact OSP at the above email address for assistance.