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Limited Submission Notice: NSF EPSCoR Research Improvement Infrastructure-Focused EPSCoR Collaborations (RII-FEC) Program


National Science Foundation (NSF)


The EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement-Focused EPSCoR Collaborations (RII-FEC) program (formerly known as the “EPSCoR Track-2 program”) builds interjurisdictional collaborative teams of EPSCoR investigators in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) focus areas. Projects are investigator-driven and must include researchers from at least two EPSCoR eligible jurisdictions with complementary expertise and resources necessary to address challenges, which neither party could address as well or as rapidly independently. RII-FEC projects have a comprehensive and integrated vision to drive discovery and build sustainable STEM capacity that exemplifies individual, institutional, geographic, and disciplinary diversity. The projects’ STEM research and education activities seek to broaden participation through the strategic inclusion and integration of all individuals, institutions, and sectors.

The Dear Colleague Letter: Announcement of Topic for the Fiscal Year 2025 and 2026 EPSCoR Research Improvement Infrastructure-Focused EPSCoR Collaborations (RII-FEC) Program announced the RII-FEC program focus area is “Building capacity towards use-inspired research.” Therefore, for the fiscal year 2025 and 2026 RII-FEC competition, RII-FEC invites proposals that are focused on enabling the opportunity for interjurisdictional teams who have been historically conducting foundational research, to extend their work by pursuing related, use-inspired research questions in any area of STEM that NSF supports. This work may focus on developing and positioning the research toward a use-inspired approach; building the partnerships necessary to enable this work; or building institutional and multijurisdictional resources across the network to have the support of such efforts. Successful projects are expected to position teams to be competitive in acquiring further funding for use-inspired research activities.

While submissions must address the focus area: “Building capacity towards use-inspired research”, the scientific disciplinary or topical area for submissions is open. Proposals that address the national key critical and emerging technologies or NSF key technology focus areas are particularly encouraged. Proposed research should be motivated by a societal challenge or national need.

For more information, view the full EPSCoR RII Focused EPSCoR Collaborations (RII-FEC) (NSF 24-573) solicitation.


The maximum allowed award depends on the number of participating EPSCoR jurisdictions:

  • Two jurisdictions – up to $4 million for up to 4 years.
  • Three jurisdictions – up to $6 million for up to 4 years.

Limited Submission Requirements and Timeline:

An organization may only submit one (1) proposal to the RII-FEC competition as lead.

Only proposals approved by the Division of Research and Economic Development may be submitted to this program. For such approval, PIs must first submit a one- to two-page white paper to by July 4 pm on 26, 2024.

Your white paper should follow the structure of the provided template and describe:

  • The motivation and rationale for establishing the collaboration.
  • The research plan that addresses the identified focus area(s).
  • The education and workforce development goals.
  • A collaboration plan and sustainability strategies.
  • The intended social impact, demonstrating how the project will benefit the community in the involved jurisdiction(s).

White papers will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Demonstrates the potential impact of the project on enhancing STEM research competitiveness and developing STEM research capacity.
  • Clearly describes a recruitment and development strategy of early-career faculty and postdoctoral, graduate, and undergraduate trainees.
  • Demonstrates integration of, and synergy between, the research, education, workforce development, sustainability, and project coordination of the project.
  • Demonstrates the broader impacts of the project and includes social and economic expertise to understand and assess the societal implications of the focus area.
  • Clearly describes a sustainability plan for obtaining subsequent, sustained non-EPSCoR funding from federal, jurisdictional, or private sector sources.

Key Submission Dates:

  • July 26, 2024 by 4 pm – White papers due to (we encourage you to cc your Dean for visibility as well)
  • August 9, 2024 – Anticipated date applicants will be notified of approval
  • December 17, 2024 – Letter of Intent (required) due to NSF
  • January 21, 2025 – All final proposal documents due to OSP
  • January 28, 2025 – Full proposal due to NSF

Important Note on Sponsor Requirements:

  • An organization may serve as a non-lead in a collaborative submission or as subawardee on any number of proposals.
  • An investigator may serve as PI or Co-PI on only one RII-FEC award at any given time. However, the investigator may serve as other Senior/Key Personnel on any number of RII-FEC submissions or awards.
  • PIs and Co-PIs on current RII-FEC (previously known as NSF EPSCoR RII Track-2 FEC) awards with end dates (including any No Cost Extensions) after October 31 of the year of submission are not eligible to submit proposals as a PI or Co-PI. However, an individual may serve as senior personnel on any number of RII-FEC proposals or awards.

NOTE: Please send all inquiries and submissions for Limited Submission opportunities to