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Limited Submission Notice: DOE Scientific Infrastructure Support for Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research (FY25)


Department of Energy (DOE)


The Scientific Infrastructure Support for Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research funding opportunity aims to (1) upgrade and improve university nuclear research and training reactors, (2) obtain equipment and instrumentation that significantly improves or expand the research, instruction, training capabilities, and/or operating capabilities, and (3) contribute to strengthening the academic community’s nuclear engineering infrastructure. Requests should focus on individual, discrete, definable items, or capabilities. Specifically, the General Scientific Infrastructure (GSI) Support for Universities funding can be used for equipment, software, instrumentation, and associated non-reactor upgrade requests that support nuclear energy-related research and development or education. Funding requests may include, but are not limited to, equipment and instrumentation for specialized facilities, classrooms, and teaching laboratories, and non-reactor nuclear science and engineering research.

For more information, view the full Fiscal Year 2025 Scientific Infrastructure support for Consolidated Innovative Nuclear Research funding opportunity announcement.


Average award will be approximately $250,000 for the total project period. The project period is 1 year beginning August 1, 2025. Additional time, if needed, may be requested, and justified in the application.

Limited Submission Requirements and Timeline:

One (1) application per institution is permitted.

Only proposals approved by the Division of Research and Economic Development may be submitted. For such approval, Principal Investigators must first submit a white paper to by 4 pm on June 7, 2024. 

Your white paper should include:

  • A project summary, which includes (1) the overall goal(s) of the proposed upgrades and/or equipment, (2) how the request fills institutional and/or national infrastructure gaps and complements existing infrastructure and personnel capabilities, (3) how the proposed effort will further nuclear science and engineering research and development, and (4) how the proposed work will enable the university’s education mission.
  • The total budget amount.

White papers will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Clear description of the equipment or upgrades and the goals of the proposed work.
  • Potential for the requested equipment or modifications to facilitate, improve, or expand ongoing nuclear energy research and training capabilities.
  • Increased amount and variety of research as a result of the equipment as well as increased amount of student, faculty, or researcher usage due to the new equipment.
  • Demonstration of innovation of education and research uses of the equipment.

Key Submission Dates:

  • June 7, 2024 by 4 pm – Notice of Interest due to
  • June 14, 2024 – Anticipated date applicants will be notified of approval to advance toward full application submission
  • July 10, 2024 – All final proposal documents due to OSP
  • July 17, 2024 – Full proposal due to DOE by 3 pm MST

Important Note on Sponsor Requirements:

  • DOE will only accept new applications under this announcement.
  • Cost matching is required on a 1:1 dollar match for requested amounts more than $250,000 for applications under the GSI area. For example, if a $300,000 project is proposed, cost matching requirements apply to $50,000 of this amount (the amount over $250,000), and the recipient would be required to contribute $25,000.
  • Infrastructure requests that support the sharing and use of equipment and instrumentation by multiple campuses of a university, multiple universities, or with national laboratories are encouraged.
  • Infrastructure requests that support existing or future Nuclear Science User Facilities capabilities at institutions of higher education are encouraged.

NOTE: Please send all inquiries and submissions for Limited Submission opportunities to