STEM PIs: Engaging Social Scientists in Development of Competitive and Compelling Interdisciplinary Projects and Proposals
Join us for an enlightening event focused on fostering education and awareness around the crucial role of social scientists in developing competitive and compelling interdisciplinary projects and proposals. This initiative aims to bridge the gap between social science expertise and the pressing challenges faced in today’s development landscape.
This workshop is hosted by Dr. Lindquist, Associate Professor in the School of Public Service who has valuable insights into public policy and decision-making processes, agenda setting, problem definition, earth systems governance, and the transformative impact of focusing events on public policy. With his extensive background as a Program Director at the NSF in the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) program, Dr. Lindquist brings a wealth of knowledge in environmental policy, science, and technology policy.
When: Friday May 3, 2024 10-11:30 am
Where: SUB Ah Fong Room
I-CREWS Seed Funding Awards (Small)
This Seed Funding program is part of Idaho Community-engaged Resilience for Energy-Water (E-W) Systems (I-CREWS), Idaho’s multi-year (2023-2028) statewide National Science Foundation (NSF) Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Track-1 Research Infrastructure Improvement (RII) award. Seed Funds are intended to catalyze projects in emerging areas that are clearly related to (but do not duplicate) the research and education theme of I-CREWS.
These awards are expected primarily to be led by early-career researchers initiating research directly related to E-W Systems. Established or mid-career researchers seeking to expand or apply their expertise into a new E-W research direction are also eligible. Current participation in the I-CREWS project is not required for eligibility.
Up to $55,000
Up to one (1) year. Projects that can be initiated during summer 2024 are strongly encouraged. All projects must begin no later than August 2024.
May 30, 2024
For additional information, view the full Idaho NSF EPSCoR I-CREWS Seed Funding Opportunity solicitation.
NSF DCL: Funding Opportunities for Science and Engineering Research with Impact on Women’s Health
The National Science Foundation (NSF) released the Dear Colleague Letter (DCL): Funding Opportunities for Science and Engineering Research with Impact on Human Health in response to the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research. Under this DCL, NSF encourages the submission of fundamental research and education proposals on the discovery, innovation, and research translation of topics of relevance to women’s health, from the molecular to the ecosystem level, including input from the full range of science, engineering, and education that NSF supports.