Research Development & Grant Writing Newsletter
The May 2023 issue of the Research Development & Grant Writing Newsletter is out!
This month’s Featured Articles include:
- May 2023 Select List of Humanities, HSS, and Arts Opportunities & News
- Understanding Forensic Sciences Funding
- Consider Joining the NSF Rotator Program
- Tips for Pursuing Funding from Industry
- AFRI Sustainable Agricultural SYSTEMS RFA
- Make Your Case for Value-Added Benefits
- Welcoming New Faculty
- Implicit Requirements
- How to Write a Successful NSF CAREER Proposal Online Course
The Research Development and Grant Writing Newsletter is available to faculty, staff, students, and affiliates with log-in access to the Albertsons Library. This subscription is sponsored by the Division of Research and Economic Development with support from the Albertsons Library. For reference, previous newsletters are located here.
Graduate and Postdoctoral Researcher Opportunities
National Science Foundation
NSF supports research opportunities and provides stipends for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows and scholars. NSF recently posted a list of these opportunities that includes information on:
Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants
Graduate Research Fellowship Program
Internship Opportunities
Postdoctoral Fellowship Opportunities
You can also find more information on their website, NSF Education & Training Application, which has a growing list of opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.
DOE Webinar – Career Skills After a PhD
The DOE Basic Energy Sciences Early Career Network will be presenting a webinar titled “Career Skills After a PhD”. Identifying the skills necessary to achieve success in a desired field can be challenging for early career scientists. Webinar panel members will provide perspectives from their career paths in government, academia, national laboratories, and industry.
Date: June 16, 2023
Time: 11:30-12:30 MST
Registration Link for DOE Webinar
Additional Information on DOE Webinar