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Limited Submission Notice: Idaho Department of Commerce Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (FY23 Round 3)


Idaho Department of Commerce


The mission of the Idaho Department of Commerce Idaho Global Entrepreneurial Mission (IGEM-Commerce) program is to advance new technologies, scientific developments, and or industry changing services to commercialization. Commercialization is the process of transforming concepts, prototypes, and services into viable market products. IGEM-Commerce accomplishes its mission by strategically sponsoring commercialization research at Idaho’s public universities. To be eligible for an IGEM-Commerce grant, an established partnership must exist between an Idaho public research university and an industry partner(s). The partnership must be focused on leveraging research to advance the new technology, product, or service towards commercialization.

All IGEM-Commerce proposals must:

  • Comprise an established partnership between at least one company and Boise State University (additional collaboration with University of Idaho and/or Idaho State University is also encouraged);
  • Propose research that will advance a product or service towards market readiness (the award is not a forum for fundamental research); and
  • Detail the pathway to commercialization for the new technology and how the research outcomes will create economic impact to the state of Idaho.

This is the final round of funding for the FY23 IGEM-Commerce program.


There is no limit on individual grant amounts. The IGEM-Commerce program has an annual budget of $950,000. For reference, IGEM-Commerce has previously funded grants ranging from $41,000 to $427,000.

Limited Submission Requirements and Timeline:

Only proposals approved by the Division of Research and Economic Development may be submitted to this program. For such approval, Principal Investigators (PIs) must first submit a one- to two-page white paper, which includes a description of the current technology, the proposed research and the problem it solves, how the research will advance the technology towards commercialization, and details about the current relationship with the industry partner, to by February 27, 2023 at 12 PM.

Please reach out to the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT) for guidance prior to submitting your white paper at

If selected to submit a full proposal, it is expected that you will work with OTT to tailor the proposal prior to submitting the final proposal to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).

PIs must ensure that proposals meet all requirements listed on the IGEM-Commerce Website, in this announcement, and in the implementing laws and regulations related to this state grant program.

Key Submission Dates:

February 27, 2023 at 12 PM – White paper due to

March 6, 2023 – Anticipated date by which internal awardees will be notified

April 5, 2023 – Proposal draft documents due to OSP/OTT*

April 12, 2023  – Final proposal due to OSP

April 19, 2023 – Full proposal due to Idaho Department of Commerce

*Draft proposals will be due 10 business days before the Idaho Department of Commerce due date to allow the Division of Research and Economic Development and other Boise State stakeholders to provide feedback and assure the highest quality proposals are submitted.

Important Note on Industry Partner Requirements:

All proposals must have an Industry Partner and “all approved awards are required to include a monetary or in-kind contribution from the Industry Partner.” IDAPA §28.02.07 (301). As defined, an Industry Partner “designs, produces, or sells goods or services or that contractually agrees to undertake such acts in connection with technologies licensed or otherwise transferred to the entity by a University.” IDAPA §28.02.07(010.07).

Specifically, Industry Partners on IGEM-Commerce proposal are required to:

  • Make a contribution to the project, whether monetary or in-kind;
  • Contribute market information, business and strategic plans, and other required information to the proposal;
  • Present before the IGEM-Commerce Council, if the proposed project is selected for in-person review; and
  • Negotiate with Boise State University in good faith to license and commercialize the research outputs of the IGEM-Commerce funded.



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