National Institutes of Health (NIH)
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites eligible institutions of higher education and research organizations to seek funding to modernize and improve existing shared-use research facilities (e.g., core laboratories, animal research facilities, or other collaborative research spaces), or to construct new biomedical research space that will be furnished with necessary casework or other essential infrastructure and eligible integrated equipment (subject to the requirements described below under Funding Restrictions).
Various factors are typically considered when developing or modernizing research infrastructure. For applications submitted to this FOA, defined research needs will drive the requests for modern engineering solutions. As science progresses and new technologies become available, required dedicated space must comply with relevant technical specifications to provide a proper and well-controlled environment, to enable novel experimental approaches, and to house specialized equipment. It is encouraged that these new spaces adhere to the highest possible standards of green engineering designs and operations.
For more information, please view the full FOA: PAR-23-045 Biomedical Research Facilities (C06 Clinical Trial Not Allowed).
The maximum award budget from Federal funds is $8,000,000, while applications with a budget less than $3,000,000 will not be considered. Since the scope of different projects will vary it is anticipated that the size of the awards will vary. The total project period must not exceed five years.
Limited Submission Requirements & Timeline:
Applicant institutions are limited to one (1) application per institution.
Only applications approved by the Division of Research and Economic Development may be submitted to this program. For such approval, the Principal Investigators (PI) must send a one-page white paper to preaward@boisetate.edu by 3 PM on January 23, 2023.
The PI might consider building their White Paper around the application’s required Overview. From the FOA, the Overview: “should include a description of the space affected by the project and any equipment which is requested in this application” and must:
- Summarize the project,
- State the project goals,
- And outline the proposed approaches to achieve them.
Alternatively, the PI may choose to build their White Paper around the application’s required Project Summary/Abstract and the Project Narrative.
- Project Summary/Abstract: The Project Summary/Abstract should contain a succinct and accurate description of the proposed construction project and an explanation of the need for the facility. The application’s broad, long-term objectives should be stated, concisely describing how the facility will enhance the infrastructure and biomedical research at the applicant institution. NOTE: The Project Summary/Abstract must be no longer than 30 lines of text.
- Project Narrative: In this section, using no more than two or three sentences, describe the project and the relevance of this project to public health. Be succinct and use plain language that can be understood by a general, lay audience.
If selected to submit a full proposal, PIs must ensure that proposals meet all requirements stated in the FOA and in the implementing laws and regulations related to this grant program.
Key Submission Dates:
- January 23, 2023 by 3 PM – White paper due to preaward@boisestate.edu.
- January 27, 2023 – Anticipated date by which Internal Awardee will be notified.
- February 17, 2023 – Full proposal/All final documents due to OSP.
- February 24, 2023 – Full proposal due to NIH.
Important Notes on Requirements:
- Multiple PDs/PIs are not allowed.
- Any individual(s) with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the proposed research as the Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) is invited to work with their organization to develop an application for support. Individuals from diverse backgrounds, including underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, and women are always encouraged to apply for NIH support.
Did you find a limited submission opportunity? Email us at preaward@boisestate.edu.