US Department of Energy (DOE)
The DOE Office of Science (SC) seeks applications from emerging research institutions to perform basic research in fields supported by SC. The FAIR program aims to build research capacity, infrastructure, and expertise at recipient institutions through mutually beneficial relationships between applicants and DOE national laboratories, SC scientific user facilities, or R1 MSIs (see definition in Important Notes on Requirements below). SC supports fundamental research in applied mathematics, biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, geoscience, isotope research, materials science, and physics to transform our understanding of nature and catalyze scientific discoveries that can lead to technical breakthroughs. SC does not support applied research, product development, or prototyping.
For more information, view the full FY 2023 Funding for Accelerated, Inclusive Research solicitation (DE-FOA-0002931).
$300,000 – $750,000 total for three (3) years.
Limited Submission Requirements and Timeline:
Applicant institutions are limited to three (3) preapplications and three (3) applications for each program (ASCR, BES, BER, FES, HEP, NP, DOE IP, and ARDAP) listed in Section I of the Solicitation.
Only preapplications and proposals approved by the Division of Research and Economic Development may be submitted to this program. For such approval, Principal Investigators (PIs) must send an email indicating interest and the applicable program to preaward@boisetate.edu by 3 PM on January 5, 2023.
If more interest is received than available spots for any of the programs, OSP will conduct a subsequent white paper round for the applicable program.
If selected to submit a full proposal, PIs must ensure that proposals meet all requirements stated in the RFP, in the announcement, and in the implementing laws and regulations related to this grant program.
Key Submission Dates:
- January 5, 2023 by 3 PM – Email indicating interest due to preaward@boisestate.edu
- January 6, 2023 – Anticipated date Internal Awardees Notified
- February 7, 2023 – Pre-Application due to DOE. OSP is required to assist in the submission of this pre-proposal.
- April 11, 2023 – Full proposal due to DOE
Important Notes on Requirements:
- An informational webinar about this opportunity is scheduled for Friday, January 6, 2023 at 2pm ET. Registration instructions and other details will be posted at Fair Funding Opportunity.
- Partner Requirement: The lead institution must partner with a team member in one of the following categories: a DOE National Laboratory, an SC Scientific User Facility, or a Doctoral University of Very High Research Activity (R1) that is a Minority-Serving Institution (MSI). The subaward partner is limited to between 15 and 25% of the total funding.
- An individual may be named as the PI on only one pre-application and one application, regardless of the submitting institution. The PI on a pre-application and application may also be listed as a senior or key personnel on separate submissions without limitation.
Did you find a limited submission opportunity? Email us at preaward@boisestate.edu.