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Limited Submission Notice: NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program (FY23 – Track 2 only)


National Science Foundation (NSF)


The NSF Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Program supports the acquisition or development of a multi-user research instrument that is, in general, too costly and/or not appropriate for support through other NSF programs. The MRI program focuses on multi-user/shared instrumentation that often supports research needs across disciplinary boundaries. An instrument acquired or developed with support from the MRI program is expected to be operational by the end of the award period to enable the research/research training activities committed to in the proposal.

IMPORTANT: Boise State is a PhD granting institution and must provide 30% cost share based on total project cost. The Office of Sponsored Programs Pre-Award staff is available to assist you with budget development, including guidance about allowable cost share expenses.

For more information, view the Major Research Instrumentation Program solicitation (NSF 18-513)This is a repost of this opportunity for Track 2 of this program. No additional Track 1 NOIs/white papers will be accepted.


Track 2: at least $1M but up to a maximum of $4M.

Regardless of track, acquisition proposals may be funded for up to three (3) years and development proposals may be funded for up to five (5) years.

Limited Submission Requirements and Timeline:

One (1) Track 2 submission per institution is allowed. This includes submission as a lead organization, non-lead organization, or subawardee on any proposal. Proposals may be for instrument acquisition or instrument development.

Only proposals approved by the proposer’s Dean and the Division of Research and Economic Development may be submitted to this program. For such approval, Principal Investigators (PI) must first submit an email indicating a Notice of Intent (NOI) to by Thursday, November 3, 2022.

NOI Instructions:

The NOI should include the following:

Draft Budget (Excel File, does not count toward 3 page limit):

  • Budget for salaries and wages, fringe benefits, instrumentation, cost share, etc. Draft budgets must be submitted using the OSP Internal Budget Template.  All NOI budgets will be reviewed by Pre-Award staff October 4 through October 11 prior to submitting the NOIs for committee review. This additional review is required to assure each NOI complies with NSF requirements and adequately identifies cost share sources. By submitting an NOI, you are agreeing to work with Pre-Award staff in revising your budget, if needed. If you have questions about the draft budget, please contact Pre-Award staff at for assistance.

Cover Page (does not count toward 3 page limit):

  • Title
  • Key Personnel
  • Track (track I or II)
  • Acquisition or Development

Narrative (no more than 3 pages):

  • Intellectual merit
  • Broader impacts
  • The extent to which the proposed project will make a substantial improvement in the organization’s capabilities to conduct leading-edge research, to provide research experiences for undergraduate students using leading-edge capabilities, and to broaden the participation in science and engineering research (especially as lead PIs) by women, underrepresented minorities, persons with disabilities and/or early-career investigators.
  • A description of any space requirements or other university resources that may be associated with the proposed project
  • For ACQUISITION proposals, the following is required:
      • The extent to which the instrument is used for multi-user, shared-use research and/or research training.
      • For instrument acquisition proposals of $1 million or above, the potential impact of the instrument on the research community of interest at the regional or national level, if appropriate.
  • For DEVELOPMENT proposals, the following is required:
      • The need for development of a new instrument. Will the proposed instrument enable enhanced performance over existing instruments, or new types of measurement or information gathering? Is there a strong need for the new instrument in the larger user community to advance new frontiers of research?
      • The availability of appropriate technical expertise to design and construct the instrument.

If selected to submit a full proposal, PIs must ensure that proposals meet all requirements stated in the RFP, in the announcement, and in the implementing laws and regulations related to this grant program.

Key Submission Dates:

  • 11/3/2022  – NOI due to  Please cc your Dean for visibility.
  • 11/4/2022 through 11/9/2022 – Pre-Award staff will work with PIs to revise draft budgets.
  • 11/18/2022 – Anticipated date by which Internal Awardees will be notified.
  • 1/1/2023 through 1/19/2023 – Full proposal due to NSF. In accordance with Boise State University Policy 5030, final documentation will be due to OSP no later than five (5) University business days prior to the NSF due date.

Important Note on Cost Share:

  • Section 10320 of Subtitle B of the CHIPS Act of 2022 includes a provision waiving the cost share requirements for the MRI program. However, the cost share requirement is still included in the solicitation for the MRI program. Until NSF has published updated guidance, we are following the official solicitation requirements for this program.


Did you find a limited submission opportunity?  Email us at